
Modern Impressionist Field of Flowers


Modern Impressionist field of flowers
Available here

New art available on my website! I love flowers and I'm not sure what these would be but I hope you enjoy it! This was originally a winery and I sold it and the collector decided he wanted larger. I said sure of course! So, I changed this one to be something unique. Can you feel the Van Gogh influence? I love his landscapes. So much feeling in them.
I'm so happy Spring is here! Although, now that I live in Souther California the weather is almost always perfect but I still notice when the trees start to bloom and the light in the sky changes. It just feels good. I'm energized and can't paint fast enough! I'm happy to say that the sunflower painting form the previous post sold and I have a commission to paint another one! When I do that I change things ever so slightly so that it will be a unique original. I'm sure the art police would say not to make copies of your own work but they aren't paying my bills! I'm trying to save up for my next trip to Europe! 
I have a lot of catching up to do, as far as travel goes. When all my friends were traveling to Europe after college, I was being a mom to a beautiful little baby girl. I would never want to change that experience, but I'm so excited to be experiencing new places and enriching my life! 

Thanks for your comments and for your visit!


Back to the Blog


Wouldn't it be nice if we could go back to the blogs the way it used to be? With Facebook and IG down, I thought I'd do a post here. I'm happy to have sold this one last night right after posting it on IG. I used to post things on here and sell them. I remember there was a burner feed that people could subscribe to but I think that's gone. I think Google photos may have been affected as well. My photos aren't on here anymore. 

Anyway, here's some happy sunflowers for you today! 


I don't want you to miss this!


Hi Friends! 

I just launched a new floral series exclusive to my newsletter recipients! If you're not signed up it's not too late to...unless they sold in minutes! Here's the link to the newsletter sign up

Thanks for looking! 


Valentine's Roses For You

 I'm working on a series of rose paintings just in time for Valentine's Day. Roses are good anytime of year though! I haven't posted the paintings on my website yet but wanted to share what I'm working on...and I realized I hadn't posted anything on the blog since October. Time flies! I sent out a newsletter from my website, which is where I will be launching this series, and will be available for purchase. If you're not signed up yet, it's not too late. Here's the link...you just have to confirm it on your email. 

Happy Valentine's Day pre weekend! 

New one!

My roses from Haley

Next up...


Original Sold but available as a print


Loose Bold Floral Painting

 I was given the best gift ever by my daughter and son in law! It's an ongoing subscription of absolutely beautiful flowers sent to my house, directly from the farm! Every month is different and gives me inspiration for a new painting! This one was waiting at my door upon our return from the East Coast! I think it may have been there for a day but was so delighted that it survived and for a long time. 

loose impressionist rose oil painting

I am so thrilled how this one came out. I painted it outside en plein air which allowed me to see the

flowers in natural light. It also helped me be more spontaneous because I didn't want to stand outside too long. I think it took about 1-2 hours. I was in the zone and not watching the time. I used large brushes and then a palette knife in a few areas. I am pleased to have captured the light and impression of these gorgeous blooms! 

plein air oil painting of loose impressionist roses in California

So now on to the next painting. I'm faced with deciding what to paint. I feel like my travels to Europe then Martha's Vineyard have given me so much inspiration that I can't choose just one. Add to that, my daughter's beautiful wedding (I am going to paint her for sure!) So much to paint, so little time.

I feel like I may have an attention deficit disorder because I have a hard time focusing. I'm a little scatter brained. It could be my Hashimoto's, it has so many symptoms I can usually blame everything on it...but that doesn't help solve it. I see some artists on instagram who have everything organized. Their studio, their feed, the whole production from painting to shipping. Is that why they're successful? Is my lack of focus keeping me from reaching my goals? How do you stay focused when there is so much going on, all the time? 

I'm currently taking commissions! Please contact me if you're in treated in learning more.

Find out more here!  


Lots of new paintings coming to Etsy!



abstract flowers oil painting
available on etsy

I'm late to posting this and now have many more coming.

I painted something every day in June and am getting them listed now. A few have sold and I'm still posting some. I was working on this oil painting before I started the 30 day challenge and just went back to it to finish it. It's an 11x14 inch oil and wax on cradled wood. 

hot pink peonies Jennifer Beaudet
available on etsy

sunflower painting by Jennifer beaudet


My First Trip To Europe...How it Changed my Views About America - Part 2


oil painting of girl on a bike by the beach whimsical
available on Etsy 

So, A little more about Bruge. We stayed in the most spectacular hotel...more like a boutique hotel, called Hotel de Orangerie. It was so beautifully decorated and the breakfast buffet was so nice! 

It's a 15th Century renovated convent! There was so much history in Brugge! Every in Europe but Brugge is so well preserved. If you can go there it is definitely worthwhile. 

I even saw a bride and groom.

I haven't painted Brugge, or the bride yet but hope to. I currently have an overload of photos I want to paint, from our trip and the Facebook Group Free Reference Photos for Artists. It's become my go to for sleepless nights, but now I have saved so many to my phone, it keeps me up thinking about how many paintings I want to do! ha I don't have any problem being inspired as an artist. My problem is actually painting everything that inspires me. Sometimes I'm a little all over the place. I need to bring back my word of the year...FOCUS. 

So...let's get to what I would change in America from visiting Europe (because I know you can't wait to hear it)-

1. Public transportation -Europe's has got it down! Why can't we have something like that? At least in California. We took the bullet train from Amsterdam to Paris! What an incredible ride! In Paris, The Metro was so convenient and took us every we wanted to go. We even rode buses a few times. Everything was clean and efficient. So opposite of here. The Metro in DC is the exception. 

2. Cameras on the road-
 Sorry to say but we need policing. People here in Southern California, do not follow the laws and it's scary. I don't know where they came from, but I don't ever remember it being so bad (I grew up here). People run red lights like it's nothing, and the freeway is full of crazy drivers out for themselves. 
We drove on the freeway in The Netherlands and everyone drove the speed limit, which made it a very pleasant drive. If you've ever noticed, speeder don't really get there faster. 

3. And the best thing that Europe had that we definitely need here
  Pay for toilets it's about $1 but in my opinion worth every penny. Having a bathroom attendant assures   
 everything is clean, toilet paper stocked, and safe (safer than not being there)

Of course these are just my opinions and some will disagree and I know this has nothing to do with art but I just wanted to get that out.

My next post will be all about Paris and art! 

Here's a few older pieces I did that remind me to Europe. I have so many! 

2015 sold

2013 sold













They are all sold and from years ago. I'm currently working on a June challenge of small paintings which I will post on here soon! I'm sharing them on instagram @jbeaudet_art
I'd love to have you follow me there! 

NEW Website!

I'm doing a workshop to learn how to make acrylics look like oils

  Field of Peonies in Provence  Available on Etsy T his new 6x6 painting was inspired by my trip to France last May. My husband and I went t...