
Newly Inspired...Finally!?

It's been a big adjustment and transitional time of my life. So many changes and more on their way! I've moved 3 times in as many years, and am now moving once more. I hope I will be there long enough to start a new life. It's not easy being a nomad. Things have been relatively good over the last three years, or at least not terrible.
I did lose my dad about four months ago and I'm still going through it...but things are not terrible. I'm living my dream, with the ocean only a few miles from me, and beautiful Socal weather every day! Although it has been a cold year, I think summer will be perfect! So Excited that I will be waking up to a dreamy ocean view with inspiration right outside my window!
I'm engaged to an amazing man who treats me how I deserve to be treated. I realize now I was only being treated badly because I chose to be. I chose who I was with, no one forced me to be in abusive relationships. I also realize I don't need someone to make me happy, I'm really happy by myself. It's just a bonus to have someone to share my happiness with! I'm not saying that my life is perfect, whose really is? But it's better than it has been in a long time and I know it will continue this way.
Ok...I can go on and on about my personal life but I don't want to bore you too much...
So, about my art...I can blame it on a lack of my own studio space, my computer (with all my files) died, and not to mention I've been cutting hair, like a robot, to pay the rent. Actually there are a multitude of factors that have played a role in my "little break" from my art, but the real reason is ME. I just haven't felt motivated, no energy, no inspiration. That is changing, I can feel it. It doesn't hurt that I made a sale today! Oh, I almost forgot to mention, I have a super studio moving sale happening right now! I just sold one of the largest pieces I have left but there are still a few left if you want to take a look...right here at some original paintings in my Etsy shop.

I also have another solo show in Santa Barbara in September but I'll tell you about that another time.

I hope you are still on blogger. I know I'm not very often anymore, but it's still a good place to get it out regardless if anyone sees it or not. Until next time...


new florals in my Etsy shop...

Wow! I can't believe this year is coming to an end! Where did it go? I'm happy that I'm moving forward with painting and seem to have emerged from wherever I was. I have new inspiration and am excited to start on some more florals and landscapes. I'd really like to do a daily painting challenge again but for now I'm working on some more abstracts florals on canvas. Bring on 2019!



New Woman in Red Dress Painting

available here

I've been moving a lot lately and working as a hair stylist for some stability but I'm still painting. I'll never stop. This painting continues my series of dress paintings. I'm changing mediums from oil to acrylic and really like the feel of it. I'm still working on colors as always but I finally achieved the feel I was after. What do you think? Oil or Acrylic? Does it matter? I don't think so. I hope you enjoy my latest painting and hopefully you'll be around to see my next! It's going to be a floral! 

Hi Ruby! I'll never forget all you did for me:)


Carmel Commission

I haven't posted much lately due to my other job but I'm still painting when I'm not cutting hair. 
I've finished this one and my client loves it! It's 6 feet! Onto the next commission. It's a small floral of this one I did a few years back. 

I'd like to paint a few more ladies to add to my collection...


Kincaid's Paintings

I haven't posted in so long because I've been a little busy with life. For those of you that have been following me over the, I'm home now! I made it back to the Southbay after 16 years of living up north.

Original is in Kincaid's Redondo 

In Kincaid's 

Kincaid's Collection



Add caption


Close up (Sold)



12x12 oil available here

close up so you can see the brushstrokes 

and on the easel 

I love all flowers but peonies are one of my favorites! I bought these last month at Trader Joe's and they started out hot pink then faded to this beautiful peach color. I'm trying to paint and post daily starting today. We'll see if I can keep it up this time! 


Solo Show in Santa Barbara!

Jennifer Beaudet oil painting woman sitting in red dress
She Sits in Red SOLD
So, I hung my first show in Santa Barbara the other day! I hope it's not the last. I absolutely love it there. The solo show will be going on thru September so there's lots of time to see it. The location is a hair salon, called Caio.  
(805) 569-9324

 Here's what you can see there- 

Love is Blind

Spring Magnolia

Norcal Winery and Small Winery on the shelf

Lady in red 'It Takes Time" and Spello, Italy

These look nice together!

Small sail boats and Sunset Vineyard
and more. So if you're going to be in the area stop by! 

close up of a commissioned piece SOLD

I'm in a new place now, no longer in Ventura so my art may reflect that move. I feel much better where I'm at now but I do miss the beauty of Central California. I'm sure I'll be back...if for no other reason then to deliver more paintings!  


Spring Flowers

Spring Floral 10x10 oil on canvas

Spring is in full bloom now and so is my inspiration! I finally feel that passion again and can't paint fast enough! It's so good to be back. I hope you're all well. 
I'm working on some daffodils from Trader Joe's today...


Guardian Angels

Available here 
"The Watcher" was inspired by our guardian angels who watch over us. This is an 11x14 oil on canvas with accents of gold metallic paint. Lots of thick paint and texture to this one!


...and I'm back!

beautiful white hydrangeas in blue vase palette knife painting by Jennifer Beaudet Zondervan

update- I'm not sure why I deleted the text on this post. Maybe I hadn't written anything. At this time, I was staying at my brother's house in Ventura, CA. I painted this, and so many other oil paintings in a tiny room that was also where I slept. I remember having to move the easel to get in bed. I think I painted my best work that year. I was really working hard to get my art out there. That was when I had a show in Santa Barbara, Ca. She's asked me to do another but I wasn't ready. I would love to make a series of this painting, although it took a while for it to sell. Possibly because of the size. I think it was an 24x30?
Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers but they always wilt as soon as I buy them. I cut the stems right away, on an angle (maybe that's not good). I've soaked the blooms upside down, in a shallow bowl of water but that didn't work. Anyway, painting them is a great way to preserve their beauty forever! 


A New Year A New Life!

Happy New Year! 
I struggle to use the explanation point on those words today, but I do believe it can only get better! 
Those of you who've been following me for awhile know how difficult this last year has been for me. My mom being diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, my ex husband cheating on me and leaving me for the woman, moving to a new place and starting completely over. 
Painting should be the first thing on my mind for therapy through this, but I have found it extremely difficult to pick up a paint brush. It's been about two months now since I've painted. I used to do it everyday as it's my source of income and pleasure, but I am so uninspired lately. There's a little more going on with hormones and I think I may be depressed. I have no excuse though, and need to bounce back like I always have, but this time it feels different. It may be because my daughter is on her own, which means I am too. It's hard to go from being the mom to (what feels like) being the child. 
I was always the strong one through very difficult times that should make this seem like nothing. I hope this year is better...it has to be. 
The positive things are my mom is doing great and everyone in my family is healthy! I live in a beautiful place now and although the sun isn't shining now, it's not snowing! I'm back in school earning my BA and finally passed my algebra class with a B! I have my whole life ahead of me and can choose for it to be whatever I want it to be without being held back by someone who doesn't want the same. I like being on my own again! It's been 16 years too long.

So that's what I've been up to. How about you? Any good New Year's Resolutions? 


Hollyhocks 3 and an Autumn Winery



I've been busy! Working on a few large pieces that will hopefully be on display in Lahaina! Super excited about that! Another hollyhocks and winery coming soon too! Oh..and some sunflowers and magenta stock that I just picked up from Trader Joe's. So many things to paint!

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...