
...and I'm back!

beautiful white hydrangeas in blue vase palette knife painting by Jennifer Beaudet Zondervan

update- I'm not sure why I deleted the text on this post. Maybe I hadn't written anything. At this time, I was staying at my brother's house in Ventura, CA. I painted this, and so many other oil paintings in a tiny room that was also where I slept. I remember having to move the easel to get in bed. I think I painted my best work that year. I was really working hard to get my art out there. That was when I had a show in Santa Barbara, Ca. She's asked me to do another but I wasn't ready. I would love to make a series of this painting, although it took a while for it to sell. Possibly because of the size. I think it was an 24x30?
Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers but they always wilt as soon as I buy them. I cut the stems right away, on an angle (maybe that's not good). I've soaked the blooms upside down, in a shallow bowl of water but that didn't work. Anyway, painting them is a great way to preserve their beauty forever! 


A New Year A New Life!

Happy New Year! 
I struggle to use the explanation point on those words today, but I do believe it can only get better! 
Those of you who've been following me for awhile know how difficult this last year has been for me. My mom being diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, my ex husband cheating on me and leaving me for the woman, moving to a new place and starting completely over. 
Painting should be the first thing on my mind for therapy through this, but I have found it extremely difficult to pick up a paint brush. It's been about two months now since I've painted. I used to do it everyday as it's my source of income and pleasure, but I am so uninspired lately. There's a little more going on with hormones and I think I may be depressed. I have no excuse though, and need to bounce back like I always have, but this time it feels different. It may be because my daughter is on her own, which means I am too. It's hard to go from being the mom to (what feels like) being the child. 
I was always the strong one through very difficult times that should make this seem like nothing. I hope this year is better...it has to be. 
The positive things are my mom is doing great and everyone in my family is healthy! I live in a beautiful place now and although the sun isn't shining now, it's not snowing! I'm back in school earning my BA and finally passed my algebra class with a B! I have my whole life ahead of me and can choose for it to be whatever I want it to be without being held back by someone who doesn't want the same. I like being on my own again! It's been 16 years too long.

So that's what I've been up to. How about you? Any good New Year's Resolutions? 


Hollyhocks 3 and an Autumn Winery



I've been busy! Working on a few large pieces that will hopefully be on display in Lahaina! Super excited about that! Another hollyhocks and winery coming soon too! Oh..and some sunflowers and magenta stock that I just picked up from Trader Joe's. So many things to paint!


Red Dress painting by Jen Beaudet Zondervan of California

Woman in Red Dress by Jennifer Beaudet- j Beaudet studios of California
The Night Approaches 8x10 Jennifer Beaudet Zondervan© Sold 

I think this may be the 4th "lady in red" painting I've done now. Something about that color and of course the gorgeous gowns. This one is an 8x10 oil on traditional canvas and will look great in a beautiful ornate frame! Someone recently suggested that I make a series of three and I think I may do that. Just have to decide whether to change the pose, the dress, or the background.  

Ventura View From The Cross 



Studio updates

9x12 inch
Sunflowers and Hydrangeas

She's a covergirl!
I just received my copies of Sasee magazine, which is distributed along the Southern Coastal cities like Charleston! The quote is beautiful too! 


Jacaranda inspiration!

purple jacaranda tree painting palette knife oil by Jen Beaudet Zondervan

If you've been following me for any amount of time you probably know how much I love jacaranda trees. Well, I'm in heaven! They're everywhere here! This is an 8x10 inch oil on panel. I'm still working on it but should have it listed in my etsy shop soon! 
Today I'll be painting plein air at the ocean!

I somehow lost the original image on this post but replaced it with this one.


Roses in an Aqua Blue Pot

available for purchase

This is my latest oil painting of red, magenta, and cream roses. I did a very similar painting back in 2012, pretty sure it was then. (do you recognize it?) But this time I combined my palette knife style with it. It gives it a very romantic, almost antique feeling. I hope someone loves it as much as I do! I might just have to keep it! The price is $225 which is already low and won't be put on sale. You may have notice I had a flash sale to earn some funds for my upcoming trip to Kauai. It was successful and I may choose a few more to offer before I go. Just consider that I already price my art much lower than most so there's not a lot of room for discounts. I do this so that anyone can collect my art. I also offer layaway plans to make it even easier. Best thing is once you purchase your first piece, any original piece after that will be 10% off (just use the code you receive with your purchase).
Thank you so much for supporting this living artist! Your support keeps me creating new pieces and I really, seriously can't do it without you!



Day 27 Landscape near home

on my easel

I attempted to paint a larger painting for day 27 and almost finished...but didn't. I'll be finishing it up this morning and starting on day 28! Almost done! I'll probably to a smaller floral again...back to the theme (although this one still has flowers...yesterday's didn't...see below) big fail.

I won't be selling this one. I painted it on the canvas paper and used too much walnut oil. The whole thing ended being a mess but since I'm doing a daily challenge I'm posting it anyway and taking it as a learning experience.

Have a great day! 


Sunset in the Snow

Here's day 25! I reworked this one that I painted a month ago. I had originally painted it with acrylics
because I was trying to get some work in the local gallery within a couple weeks time. I ended up just having some small ones because although I finished these I had painted them on canvas with traditional sides so needed frames for displaying. I don't have the money for that right now so they didn't get in on time. I decided to repaint them with oils and am much happier with the results. I don't know why I can't get the results I want with acrylics. The colors never look good to me. Anyway, I enjoyed painting the snow and creating all the reflections and subtle changes in grays. I'll have to retake this because I'm getting that glare on the right side again.


Painting cherry blossoms

original oil painting cherry blossom by J beaudet

8x10 oil on canvas paper

I'm still painting every day but missed posting on here over the weekend! This is Day 24 and I'm continuing to simplify shapes. This is the first landscape that I've attempted that on. I'm using dabs of paint instead of broad strokes. I may mix it up though, this is just exploring and practicing. It's challenging to try and see things in simplified forms and not wanting to put in more details. But I'm interested in light and color right now and also like the smoother feel. This may be a phase, I don't know. Just something I want to explore and I'm seeing things in a whole new way!
My reference photo and inspiration for this piece came from Ann Tran. I love the photos she posts on facebook and instagram. She travels all over the world but I think this one came from a walk in her DC neighborhood. 

So Day 23 is post on my instagram account @ jbeaudet_art. I only spent about 5-10 minutes on a few peonies but it's cute. I spent most of the day preparing files for a video that Lee from Arts,Artists, and Artworks prepared and posted for me! It turned out so nice! 

Here's the link to the video. I hope it works for you! I love the music that he put to it. 


Day 22 Floral Painting

8x10 oil on canvas paper

So back to flowers, exploring colors and simplifying shapes. I'm still so mixed up as to which I like more. I love the peaceful and calming feeling of this but my palette knife art is full of interesting textures and I love the way the paint mixes together. They are totally complete opposites! ugh! I guess there could be worse things in the world to fret over but this is really bugging me. For now I'll be doing both...maybe I should sign them in a different name! Like my alter ego! haha


Just a little posie for you

A Little Posy for You 
8x8 inch oil 

Here's day 20. I'm going to sign it again. I like when there's a little contrast so I'm not sure why I grabbed that color. Easy fix. What's not an easy fix is the bottom (table) being to thick. 

Three White Roses

purchase here

This is a small 5x7 sketch of white roses. I like how it came out but still need more practice with all the shades in white. It's done on oil painting paper which is a new substrate for me. I kind of like how the paint goes on it and the brushstrokes show. I'm selling most of the 30 paintings and hoping to earn some money otherwise this may be the end of my journey. I know art is not something that people need and space is limited. That's why these little guys are great! Anyway, if you've ever considered purchasing my art...well, you know. Thank you for supporting the arts! :)


Just a Rose oil painting

oil on masonite6x6 inch

I love peach, it's my favorite color and has been since I was a child. This shade of corally peach is the best!


Barn time!

8x8 inch 

Who doesn't love an old barn? We have a lot of them around here but this one is not one of them. I made this up. So, it doesn't exist...or maybe it does! 
This one still has flowers so I didn't break the streak! I have been working on a few different things this month but I'm not done. I think I may have to continue this challenge! 


White Roses for Day 16

Blooming in White

Somebody asked if I'd ever painted white roses so I thought I'd give it shot. I kind of like how they turned out but will practice more. Sorry I didn't get the sunflower painting from yesterday listed yet. It's on my camera at least but that won't help you. I did list this one though! 

NEW Website!

I'm doing a workshop to learn how to make acrylics look like oils

  Field of Peonies in Provence  Available on Etsy T his new 6x6 painting was inspired by my trip to France last May. My husband and I went t...