Showing posts with label watercolors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label watercolors. Show all posts


Branches and Lemons...and Peonies and a starfish


I'm doing the 30 in 30 painting challenge from Leslie Saeta. I've been following her blog for years now and love her pallet knife paintings and her amazing show, Artists Helping Artists. I always get so much inspiration listening to her radio show and the information is endless! Only problem is I can't keep up with it! Just as I'm having a hard time keeping up with posting a painting a day. I've done about two a day but posting them each day is the hard thing for me. It's great to have goals though, and the new year brings fresh ideas and inspirations! This painting is acrylic which is not my normal choice of medium. I enjoyed the quick drying time for a change and liked the results. I have a few more to post of a few barns and another landscape so look for those in the next few days.


Misty Hanalei Bay

no longer available 
I just finished this one for another workshop from Richard Robinson. I'm really enjoying doing his workshops and am learning new techniques! I also started using walnut oil instead of linseed oil. Walnut oil is non toxic so I love that! The workshop focused on little figures in landscapes being made with simple brush strokes. 

If you've ever been to Kauai you know how misty it can get over on the North side of the island. It doesn't matter whether it's rainy or sunny,'s always magical. 

I've been selling a few paintings and prints these last few weeks. I hope to keep up this momentum 
in the coming new year! 
For the new year I plan on keeping up with the workshops and
getting in some more galleries and boutiques, but I also want to get back to doing more paintings like I was doing when I started. Think more floral still lives with a whimsy feel (and more watercolors Vicki). I noticed I've been getting away from florals and whimsy feel. I guess the workshop and comparing my work to other's is what's happening and while it's good to improve my skills I don't want to lose my expressive touch, which is where I started. I'm working on another Venice, Italy piece right now and am conscious of this thought. I think it's looking a little Monet like. 
But you'll have to tell me what you think! 




Ok..I'll add more later:)

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! 



contact me

I just finished this one and called it "Blush". I love this color!
I just got my hair done, highlights, and am feeling
so happy! I love getting my hair done. It's just like spring
all fresh and new!


I'll call her Spring...

contact me

contact me

She just reminds me of Spring so I'm calling her "Spring 1". The "1" because I might do more like this. 
If you've been following my art for awhile then you know I'm not that creative when it comes to titles.
It's even a chore to title my blog posts sometimes! 
I hope everyone is having a great week. Mine is going great. I managed to find the perfect pair of white linen capris for my trip (among other things) And the best thing was, when I got to the checkout counter
I found out they were 1/2 off! So I got another pair. 

We should be announcing the winner by Friday so please check back.
Ok...take care!


Enchanted Forest

Enchanted Forest
Here's another new watercolor I just listed on Etsy. She was inspired by all the 
Fairytale shows and movies
coming out. Who doesn't love a good fairytale!



prints available

New Watercolors

With Spring comes new and fresh ideas. I've dug out my watercolors and am working on a new 
series of refreshing floral watercolors. 
I guess they could be considered illustrations. I also used
some acrylics, pen, and pencil in some of them, so...they could also be considered mixed media.
Two more will be posted soon. 
I'm not sure how long I will continue these...maybe just through Spring. 
It's been forever since I've done watercolors. Quite a change from the preparation and smells that oils possess. While I still love oils, these feels crisp and fresh, kind of like the weather outside today.
More vintage ladies, interiors, and landscapes to come. I'm thinking of maybe doing 
another Venice, or maybe a Parisian landscape!

Join me over here for Friday Show and Tell

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. is the domain name. I...