Showing posts with label palm trees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label palm trees. Show all posts


Gifts From the Heart

Sometimes it's hard to find the perfect gift for someone who has everything. But they could just have many materials things that they've bought themselves, and would never think to have a painting specially made for them. It's a personal gift of love that comes form the heart and will always be cherished and used (or seen, I should say). I mentioned in my earlier post that I have done a few commissions over the years and this is one of them. I was commissioned by a gentleman to paint this portrait of his father, as a gift to his mother. His father had past away not long before. Handsome man, don't you think? The gift was received with great love and I was told how visitors often admire the painting. I think this has been my most special painting to date. 

Here's another commissioned piece I did. This one was for someone who wanted to remember a beautiful place she had once lived. Beautiful place indeed! I was just noticing this one reminds me of my latest piece. This one was 11x14 though and my latest is only an 8x8. I think I prefer the larger size. 


If you are interested in having a special piece done, just email me at jbboutique at and we can chat. I just received a new commission I'm excited about. 
It's of someone's young son and his friend and should be fun to paint! 


Black Rock View Maui...


This painting is another one from my enormous collection of photos I took last year. I hope I'm not boring you all with my Hawaii dreaming! I have one more large piece to do of this photo below.
I'm not sure if you know so thought I'd mention, I do commissions! 
If you have a favorite spot and have a semi good photo of it I can bring it to life and create a memorable keepsake for you or it would make a great wedding gift or realtor house warming gift! I will post some that I've done in the past some time soon. I hope everyone had a great weekend! I had a nice one with a visit to my mom's house. She and her husband just got back from their winter in Mexico! 
They were gone for about three months and it's sure good to have them back in town again! 
Happy sunshine day with spring so close!



in private collection

Kauai is one of my favorite islands in Hawaii. I really love them all but I've been to Kauai three times now and never get tired of it. It's everything I think of when I think of paradise. 
I took this photo a few years back and just found it when looking for another. It's a beach called Salt Pond Beach Park. I remember we almost had the whole beach to ourselves. 
It was magical, just like every day is in Kauai. 

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. is the domain name. I...