Showing posts with label palette knife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label palette knife. Show all posts


Modern Impressionist Field of Flowers


Modern Impressionist field of flowers
Available here

New art available on my website! I love flowers and I'm not sure what these would be but I hope you enjoy it! This was originally a winery and I sold it and the collector decided he wanted larger. I said sure of course! So, I changed this one to be something unique. Can you feel the Van Gogh influence? I love his landscapes. So much feeling in them.
I'm so happy Spring is here! Although, now that I live in Souther California the weather is almost always perfect but I still notice when the trees start to bloom and the light in the sky changes. It just feels good. I'm energized and can't paint fast enough! I'm happy to say that the sunflower painting form the previous post sold and I have a commission to paint another one! When I do that I change things ever so slightly so that it will be a unique original. I'm sure the art police would say not to make copies of your own work but they aren't paying my bills! I'm trying to save up for my next trip to Europe! 
I have a lot of catching up to do, as far as travel goes. When all my friends were traveling to Europe after college, I was being a mom to a beautiful little baby girl. I would never want to change that experience, but I'm so excited to be experiencing new places and enriching my life! 

Thanks for your comments and for your visit!


Same artist New Name! Jennifer Beaudet - Artist Whose Passion Kept Her Jen Beaudet Z

Same artist New Name! Formerly Jennifer Beaudet - Artist Whose Passion Kept Her Going now Jen Beaudet Z

Field of Flowers oil painting J Beaudet Studios

Artpromotivate: Jennifer Beaudet - Artist Whose Passion Kept Her Going: Spotlight on California, USA artist Jennifer Beaudet, featuring Modern Impressionist paintings.

Hey guys! I wanted to share this interview I did for Artpromotivate. 2013. It shares a little bit about my inspiration, education, and my process. I was going by Jennifer Beaudet then, because...well...that was my name. I have recently been trying separate myself from another oil painter with the same name. I would have used my middle name but she beat me to it! And it turns out we have the same middle name too! It's enough to make you crazy. It wouldn't bother me except her website comes up when I do a search for my name. All my paintings come up, but I'd kind of like this website to come up first since I've been at this since 2009. So...since I just got married in September 2020, I figured it's a good time for change. Previously, I had been signing my work J Beaudet, but from now on it will be J Beaudet Z. Hopefully you will not be confused. I'm still going by Jen Beaudet but now there's a Z at the end, for new Dutch hubby.

Anyway, I'm so happy with my new name and hope this works to separate myself from the rest! After racking my brain, trying to come up with something that makes me different, I realized I'm a left-handed artist! Only 10% of the population is left handed, so I think that makes me kind of unique. It's funny, but losing my name felt like a loss of my identity! Like identity theft. It's a weird feeling. I had to search for who I am all over again. I was Jennifer Beaudet for 30 years and J Beaudet, the artist, since I was in college. The fact we share the same middle name is just unreal! Not that it matters, because you can't hear the pronunciation, but I say it "Boday" like Monet, she says Beaudet like "debt" (sorry, I couldn't think of another example). So how we differ is, I'm left handed and pronounce it Boday, I'm from California and I'm older....(by only 2 years, but still) Haha! So now, I'm moving on...New year, new name...

J Beaudet Zondervan (the cool thing is it's Dutch like Van Gogh! 

I'd love to hear other artist's thoughts about this. Has anything similar happen to you? Or maybe you have another suggestion? You can email me @ or comment here

Poppies Delight
J Beaudet Z 
click to see prints available 

The Moment 
J Beaudet Z 
CLICK for print options 

The Forgotten Rose
by J Beaudet Z
Click for print options

Picked For You
by J Beaudet Z SOLD
Click for print options

You can help me by sharing these with my new name and linking back to this website! Thank you!!!
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support over all these years! 


Day 2 of the 30 in 30 Challenge

8x8 inch panel

Busy painting! I've also been working on a portrait commission which is coming along nicely. It has four faces in it though so it's a little more work than normal. This painting was inspired by a Facebook friend's travel photos. Just a quaint little French scene. I added the flowers and the tree on the side.
Tomorrow's painting will be another from her photos. (I'm still waiting to get some of my daughter's photos from her trip to Paris…) 



A New Woman in Red Painting

I took a break from my commissions (while waiting for my canvas to arrive) and painted this one. It's been a while since I've done a figure with the palette knife loose work. Felt good to free up and express my feelings with paint. I think I need some art therapy these days… 
I asked my friends on Facebook for help with a name and Amira came up with the one I used, "Forgotten Rose". There were so many great suggestions! Thank you all! I was pleasantly surprised that this one sold in two hours after posting it! I really need to do more of these…and larger. This one was an 11x14 which is my go to size but I know many of you want a larger statement piece. Look for some in the future or, if you can't wait, commission me! 



Spring in a Mason Jar!

Spring in a Mason Jar

Here's the finished painting! I'm already planning my next one. I used a palette knife for most of the painting except for some areas that I wanted to recede a little. I posted some close ups on Etsy so you could see the palette work. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and have a chance to get out and enjoy the beautiful spring flowers blooming! I'll just be working on another painting!:) 



More progress on my spring floral painting...

16x16 inch oil

If you saw how this began, it's changed a lot. It's definitely a work in progress! I usually paint florals this way; make it up as I go. I try to have an idea about the kinds of flowers and the basic colors I want to use but it always evolves. Even if I have it set up just the way I want it, once I start painting, it takes a life of it's own. 
I think I'm going to take out the middle green bud in the top left corner and am not sure about the bright orange/red tulip hanging down. It may become more of a yellow/orange and a different kind of flower all together! I'm using a palette knife with a little brush work to give some variety, but I like the free movement I get with a palette knife. Anyway, I'm loving painting these spring flowers! 



Giving Thanks

I just wanted to take a moment to say how thankful I am to be living my dream! Up until now my life has been far from a dream but I've never given up on my dream of being a working artist! Don't ever give up on your dream! Be persistent, do at least one step a day to get you closer to your dream, and work your little tail off! I'm not there yet, but am working hard to conquer my fears and overcome some obstacles in my way. Stay positive and live in the moment...I must remind myself of these, daily! 

Thank you to each and every one of you who have supported me along the way! Even if you're just popping over for a quick hello, sharing my work with others, or maybe even adding a piece to hang in your home, I am truly blessed to have you in my life!

As a thank you gift, I'm offering free shipping on all my items in my ETSY SHOP through Cyber Monday! Happy shopping! 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!



Original Painting of Vintage inspired French Woman


Here's the second in my new series of vintage inspired women. I used both a brush and palette knife for this modern impressionist painting. I called it Attente, as I imagine her anxiously waiting for her date arrive.   It's available on Etsy. Thanks for looking, I hope you like it! If you haven't already, I love for you to join me on Facebook. I like to post my lasted painting on there to get feedback before I list them. 

The model is Nicole, this very cool style blogger from New York. Her blog, Running in Wedges, features fashion photos of Nicole, taken by her amazing photographer You can find her blog here. 



Day 16 and a New Series of Figure Paintings


I've been planning this series for a while now and excited to get started! There will be 10 when it's complete but that might take me a while. I have three commissions in the works now and am still trying to complete the 30 in 30 Day Challenge by Leslie Saeta.

This new figure series was inspired by a blog I found via Facebook. I thought my daughter would like I "liked" it. Turns out I'm the one that liked it. It's called Running in Wedges Nicole Alyse is  New York City,personal style blogger and vintage buyer. She not just beautiful,also has great hair and an amazing photographer. One day a post popped up and I was inspired to paint her so I was thrilled she said yes, and have been anxious to start the series ever since. It will consist of a series of 10,small format,somewhat abstract figures of vintage fashions.

If you've been following for a while you may remember how excited I was to have my daughter be my muse, only to discover I'm too attached to the paintings to sell them. Now I'm happy to have  found Nicole's blog,and my new muse!...Maybe someday...when I'm famous...I will be able to afford a live model, but until then, thank you Nicole!


30 in 30 Day 3

California Cow 1
6x6 inch
oil on panel

On day 4 now, and hoping to get two done to catch up! 
I have some more cow/barn, and maybe horses to do. I took a drive to Douglas City 
and got some good
reference photos to work from The weather is so nice today 
I may take my paints outside and paint. 
It's only supposed to reach 80! 


30 in 30 Day 2


Here's my day #2 of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 challenge.
 I didn't get started until about 4:30 so by the time I finished 
there was no light besides my inadequate lightning. Lighting is 
definitely on my wish list! It's really a necessity actually. 
I'll retake the photos in the morning so the photo will be clearer. 
This painting was inspired by a photographer 
friend of mine, Steve Phelp's photo taken in Washington State. 
I cropped it a little and added a few more trees but the scene was just beautiful! 

This kind of gets me excited for fall weather.



Back on the Farm

available here

This colorful guy was inspired by some photos I took while on Kauai a few years back.
Did you know they have chickens (and roosters) running around all over the place there? I read that they escaped when they had a hurricane (I think it was in the 80's) and now they're wild. 
They seem to get along just fine on their own over there in paradise. 

I used a palette knife for the majority of this painting along with an angled flat no. 6 brush.
Thanks for looking!:)


A Warm Welcome Palette Knife Painting

A Warm Welcome
11 x14
oil on canvas

It's been a while since I posted a new painting, and even longer since I've painted a door! It's not that I wanted to paint and have many ideas lined up, 
but have been focusing on my paleo diet, trying to get my auto immune problems under control. I researched a lot and have read that they have a tendency to progress to other one's, and I don't want that. 
I'm feeling pretty good and have much more energy, 
so I hope it's working. 

For this painting I used a palette knife for the majority of 
it and finished it up with a sharp angled brush for some details. I love the texture you get with the knife. I also tried to keep the colors on the warm side with a few complimentary ones here and there. 
Overall though, I was going for a warm, inviting feel.

What colors do you like to use or decorate with?


Sunflowers Painting!

being revised
My inspiration for this painting was the weekly challenge on Daily Paintworks! I was a day late but at least I did it. I've done a few smaller sunflower paintings but never one this large. I tried to keep the colors dark so that the sunflowers could be the star of the show! With all that sunshine yellow there's no need for any other saturated color, with the exception of the touches of the magenta "flowers" that I added in the end. But even the magenta is not pure. 

Fourth of July has come and gone so quickly. Now it's on to my birthday! Time really needs to slow down! Summer is my favorite season and it seems so short. In honor of my favorite month I'm having a Christmas in July Sale in my Etsy shop! The sale goes from July 11th-21st and I'm offering 10% off anything in my shop. Mark your calendars! 
Time flies and the next thing you know it'll be Christmas time again! 


Pink Fields of Tulips!


I love fields of colorful flowers and when I saw the photography of Steve Phelps I knew I just had to paint them! These are beautiful pink tulips in Washington. Steve has been following my
art on Facebook for a while now and about a months ago he posted one of his gorgeous photos on my
page and said that my art had inspired his work! It is really an honor to inspire another artist and I was thrilled when I asked if I could use his work as reference for a painting. Well this is what he inspired me to do! I just love the creative world of art! I've met so many really nice people.


Sunflower Study...

Sunflower Study 3

I picked these happy sunflowers up at Trader Joe's this week. They have so many beautiful flowers right now! These actually lasted long enough for me to capture them in paint, 
so now they'll last forever. 
If you'd like to purchase these for your home just click on the title in the first photo and it will take you to Etsy. From there you can purchase it throughout Pay Pal. You can also click on the link to my Etsy shop to the right.

I had a wonderful, but super fast, week with my daughter, who was home from college for a week. She had to leave before Easter, so we had a family Easter dinner yesterday, which was really Good Friday. If I remember correctly you're only supposed to eat fish...well, we had ham. But to us, it really was Easter. It's so nice to get together with family.

While we were at my mom's I had my daughter pose for me in a beautiful red kimono. I think I managed to get a few photos that I'll be able to use for references. She's such a trooper! It was actually pretty funny and she had a hard time keeping a straight face through all the poses. 

I'm still working on a large Hawaii piece of Maui, it's slowly coming along. It's hard to keep working when my daughter is home. I just want to go play! So now it's time to get busy! One good thing about working from home is you can take time off whenever you want...that can also be a bad thing. I always need to keep disciplined or I'd never get any painting done. And there's so much more to being a working artist than just painting. Not complaining though...I love it!


A little bit of purple...

being revised 

This was a little different for me because of the odd size of canvas. It's 18x36 inches so it's pretty long. It's hard to see the details here so I've added some close ups on my Etsy listing here. I used a palette knife for most of it and a brush to fill in small areas and soften a few things. The grass in the foreground is showing up the wrong color. It's a little more yellow green instead of that brown color. This one is definitely for a purple lover! 




I just finished this painting for the weekly challenge on DPW. Carol Marine supplied this wonderful photograph which has inspired me to do some more like this. I found out that my mom has a wash bowl and pitcher very similar to this one. I'm going to have my mom and my daughter pose for me. My daughter is coming home on Spring break soon so hopefully I can get her to do that for me. 

I'm working on a large 18x36 canvas right now and it's coming along ok. I'm not use to this large so I have to remind myself that it takes time to finish something of this size. It's lavender fields, which I love. 

Have a great week!



Roses are Red...


Here's my latest of the Bloom series, done with a pallet knife. I have a few more to post but am not quite ready for whatever reason. I promise to get to them though. My next one I'm working on is a little different. Kind of abstract with mixed media. 
I just found out that I'm going to Mexico soon. I'm going to be painting a commissioned piece while I'm there so it should be fun. I'll have to post photos when I get back.


A little bit of Italy...

I love New Year's. It's a time for fresh starts and new plans. I can reflect on the past year and all it's joys and maybe think about what might make it a better year to come. I have lots of plans and am going full steam ahead! I welcome in this new year with open arms! Hello 2013! 
You're ring to be the best year yet! Happy New Year to all my blog readers! Thank you for sticking with me through the years and welcome new readers! I hope you find something interesting enough to keep you coming back! :)

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. is the domain name. I...