Showing posts with label original painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label original painting. Show all posts


New florals blooming in my studio...

Yellow Polka dots and Pink 12x12 inch oil on canvas

I have new floral oil paintings blooming in my studio! I love pink peonies and I think the polka dots are pretty cute.

Pink Celebration 12x12 inch oil on canvas

I have one more I finishing up today, then I think I may do another landscape. I'm currently working on getting my website again. I have always used this as my website and had my other one connected here, but blogger doesn't have as much control over SEO's as Wordpress does. You may have remembered I started a new one back in 2013 (I think that's when it was...time flies!) When my life was disrupted, and I was uprooted from my home in 2016, I neglected to pay the domain name renewal and lost it. I'm paying the price now, as it was sold to someone who is impersonating me. I've contacted the web site owners and servers to have them shut it down and may contact the local police. This is my business, and even more, my life. I take it very seriously. The strangest thing is the website has an email that goes to a woman in Maryland who has the same name as I do...even the same middle name! Crazy and it is she's also an oil painter, as of a year ago. I've spoken with her and she seems very nice. She has also sent an email to the register site demanding they take it down. Our art is quite different, and I'm pretty sure you can tell if it's an original "J. Beaudet", but I don't want there to be any confusion or uncertainty about who you're dealing with. I live in California and always have, she's lives in DC or Maryland (the east coast). I have never lived there and never will. I have been painting and selling my art on Etsy since 2009. Click to see- My first painting I sold on Etsy (besides one to my mom)

I sell my work in my Etsy shop and sell prints on Fine Art America . I have also been accepted to Saatchi and I have my work on Artfinder   I've worked hard to get my name branded, and as you may know, I started this blog with that name "my life as a starving artist". While I may never have gone hungry, and I'm grateful for that, I do everything on a very tight budget (like mostly in, I do it myself) I appreciate all of you who have bought my work over the years and allowed me to continue to create art. I can't do this without you! Seriously.
I am thinking about changing my name but not sure how that would be. I'm engaged and my last name could change when we're married. I don't think anyone will have his last name! Anyway, I'm still plugging along and Love that you are still with me! Thank you :)


A New Woman in Red Painting

I took a break from my commissions (while waiting for my canvas to arrive) and painted this one. It's been a while since I've done a figure with the palette knife loose work. Felt good to free up and express my feelings with paint. I think I need some art therapy these days… 
I asked my friends on Facebook for help with a name and Amira came up with the one I used, "Forgotten Rose". There were so many great suggestions! Thank you all! I was pleasantly surprised that this one sold in two hours after posting it! I really need to do more of these…and larger. This one was an 11x14 which is my go to size but I know many of you want a larger statement piece. Look for some in the future or, if you can't wait, commission me! 



New Koi Fish and Lily Pad Painting!

click here to view on Etsy
The Dance of the Koi
24x36 inch
oil on canvas

Here's my latest palette knife painting of beautiful koi fish with lily pads and flowers! I really enjoyed painting this one, especially when I broke out my knife! I had originally started this one with mostly a brush,using a knife on the flowers and a little bit on the fish, but soon realized it needed more interest and depth. I use such a small knife that this one took me quite sometime to complete, but it was so much fun bringing theses little guys to life!

close up

Koi represent courage and I need to tap in to this! 

They're referred to as "lucky koi"
Many of the attributes of the koi symbolize several lessons and even trials individuals often encounter in life. The koi fish has a powerful and energetic life force, demonstrated by its ability to swim against currents and even travel upstream. Some of the characteristics associated with the koi include:

Good fortune

...all good things we could all use! 

 I tried to take the main photo at an angle because of the glare but it's still there, and now it just looks crooked! I'll be taking it again when it has a chance to dry more. I'll be working on a few commissions in the next few months, so I might not be sharing a lot of new art, but might be able to post some progress shots! 


Irish Cottage Commission and Dream Travel Tour Inspiration

I wanted to share one of the commissions I've been working on. I'm really happy with how it turned out, and am very happy to say, so is the client! I'd love to paint one for you too! If you have a favorite vacation spot,honeymoon or wedding site,or even
family portrait, I'd love to work with you. You can find more information on commissioning me for a painting by clicking on the image below.

This painting has inspired me to start a travel series of paintings (when I'm done with the other commissions). 
I'm going to paint several paintings of places I that I dream about visiting someday and hope that my art will someday make it possible for me to. I'm going to start my Dream Travel Tour in.....Italy! I met a wonderful travel agent on a local networking group on Facebook. I'll announce her name with my first painting of the series. She's allowing me to find inspiration from her travel photos, and believe me she's been around the work and back! I'm like a kid in a candy store!
I'm working hard to improve my skills and developing my own signature style. I'm so happy you have all stayed with me through this journey! Thank you:)



Day 16 and a New Series of Figure Paintings


I've been planning this series for a while now and excited to get started! There will be 10 when it's complete but that might take me a while. I have three commissions in the works now and am still trying to complete the 30 in 30 Day Challenge by Leslie Saeta.

This new figure series was inspired by a blog I found via Facebook. I thought my daughter would like I "liked" it. Turns out I'm the one that liked it. It's called Running in Wedges Nicole Alyse is  New York City,personal style blogger and vintage buyer. She not just beautiful,also has great hair and an amazing photographer. One day a post popped up and I was inspired to paint her so I was thrilled she said yes, and have been anxious to start the series ever since. It will consist of a series of 10,small format,somewhat abstract figures of vintage fashions.

If you've been following for a while you may remember how excited I was to have my daughter be my muse, only to discover I'm too attached to the paintings to sell them. Now I'm happy to have  found Nicole's blog,and my new muse!...Maybe someday...when I'm famous...I will be able to afford a live model, but until then, thank you Nicole!


Lazy Lavender Afternoon...

available here

This painting is an 8x8 oil, on gallery wrapped canvas with painted sides, so it's ready to display! I tried to warm up the colors in this one so I used orange as a mother color. 
I also used a palette knife for most of it and an angled flat no. 6 brush here and there. 
I'm trying to discipline myself to paint at least one a day. These smaller canvases are 
perfect for that but I still need to work on larger ones too.
 So...we'll see if I can keep it up. I'm starting a commissioned piece right now 
with rich beautiful colors just in time for fall. After that trees:)


Jacarandas in Maui!

Upcountry in Bloom

Here's my latest painting of the Jacaranda trees in Maui! I just love the color of these beautiful trees! I was in Maui over a year ago now and we drove all over the beautiful countryside in search of these trees. I went down this exact street but it didn't look like this. The trees weren't blooming...and everything seemed a little dry. I was lucky enough to have discovered a wonderful photographer from Maui on Facebook. His name is David Schoonover. I contacted him to ask if I could use his photos of the Jacaranda trees as reference for a painting. He said ok! He actually ended up being from a town not far from me! It's such a small world. I was so glad I asked him! I didn't want to copy his work but use it as a reference so I went on Google maps and took a tour through Upcountry on Maui until I found the same street. Believe me, it took a while but it was fun! I found other paintings I want to do later.

google maps reference

I just discovered another resource for photos that are ok to use. Richard Robinson gave the tip on his website. It's called, appropriately, "Paint my Photo", and has many photos that members have uploaded for other artists to use. My ideal would be to bring my easel to Maui and plop it down right in front of that tree and paint the day away...but reality sets in, and until that day comes, I'm happy to have these great resources and gracious photographers available to me!


Pink Fields of Tulips!


I love fields of colorful flowers and when I saw the photography of Steve Phelps I knew I just had to paint them! These are beautiful pink tulips in Washington. Steve has been following my
art on Facebook for a while now and about a months ago he posted one of his gorgeous photos on my
page and said that my art had inspired his work! It is really an honor to inspire another artist and I was thrilled when I asked if I could use his work as reference for a painting. Well this is what he inspired me to do! I just love the creative world of art! I've met so many really nice people.



oil on canvas

I just complete this large hydrangea painting for a client. I've never painted them before but it was fun! I love hydrangeas. They remind me of vintage gardens. My mom has one in her garden, growing in a pot. It actually looks similar to this one, but more pinks. I love all the varieties there are. 

I'm off to town for some shopping, then I'm going work on a few new paintings of trees...Jacarandas and more! 
Have a great weekend! 


Sunflower Study...

Sunflower Study 3

I picked these happy sunflowers up at Trader Joe's this week. They have so many beautiful flowers right now! These actually lasted long enough for me to capture them in paint, 
so now they'll last forever. 
If you'd like to purchase these for your home just click on the title in the first photo and it will take you to Etsy. From there you can purchase it throughout Pay Pal. You can also click on the link to my Etsy shop to the right.

I had a wonderful, but super fast, week with my daughter, who was home from college for a week. She had to leave before Easter, so we had a family Easter dinner yesterday, which was really Good Friday. If I remember correctly you're only supposed to eat fish...well, we had ham. But to us, it really was Easter. It's so nice to get together with family.

While we were at my mom's I had my daughter pose for me in a beautiful red kimono. I think I managed to get a few photos that I'll be able to use for references. She's such a trooper! It was actually pretty funny and she had a hard time keeping a straight face through all the poses. 

I'm still working on a large Hawaii piece of Maui, it's slowly coming along. It's hard to keep working when my daughter is home. I just want to go play! So now it's time to get busy! One good thing about working from home is you can take time off whenever you want...that can also be a bad thing. I always need to keep disciplined or I'd never get any painting done. And there's so much more to being a working artist than just painting. Not complaining though...I love it!


Spring Musings...


on my easel 

close up

The sun came out again today was welcomed with open arms and smiling faces. This painting is another in my Bloom series. I however, did not use a palette knife for this one, just my brushes and lovely poppy red! I'm inspired by the pantone colors for 2013. I'm loving all the colors this year! 
I can't wait for the Spring fashions to be released! 

Looking forward to some nice weather here. I'm not sure about my trip to Mexico now. I haven't been feeling very good lately and don't want to buy a ticket and not be able to go. I'll keep you up dated if things change. Check back here for more Spring musings!

click here for the full view


Field of Poppies...

I like the close up

on Etsy here


oil on canvas panel

So these are my new abstracts. I've been wanting to venture in to the abstract world for a while now and have finally done just that. I'm hooked! I imagine the more I do, I will develop more of a signature style, but I'm just having fun completely freeing myself to discover new things. It's not as easy as thought it would be though. I had to completely paint over a few. I find it more challenging than
painting any real subject. It is so therapeutic though and I can't really put it into words. I reminded of my days in art class. So much inspiration and energy there!
If you have tried abstract painting yet, you definitely should! You just might like it!

I was planning on putting a piece in the local art cruise for this weekend but the paint is taking longer to try because of the weather. The theme was Absolutely Abstract. 
So I won't have any new pieces this month but you can still see two of my 
paintings in the Highland Art Center if you're in town!

I'm also having a very difficult time capturing the fresh colors of my paintings on "film". It's like this every winter and I have yet to splurge on some good lighting. I use the sun because it's free, but not always reliable! I just had one of my collector's inform me of how much better my paintings look in person. She went on about how absolutely beautiful it was when she received it. I really wish you could see them in person, but until then I need to work on getting a better representation of them online.

I have another piece I just completed of some more poppies! I'm thinking of Spring and they're so sunny! It's a smaller 8x8 impressionist style. I'll be taking some good photos
 of it tomorrow and posting soon!

If you're interested in purchasing any of these that aren't on Etsy 
you can contact me on my email or Facebook


Roses are Red...


Here's my latest of the Bloom series, done with a pallet knife. I have a few more to post but am not quite ready for whatever reason. I promise to get to them though. My next one I'm working on is a little different. Kind of abstract with mixed media. 
I just found out that I'm going to Mexico soon. I'm going to be painting a commissioned piece while I'm there so it should be fun. I'll have to post photos when I get back.

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. is the domain name. I...