Showing posts with label maui. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maui. Show all posts


Busy Painting!


I just realized I haven't posted on here in a while, and thought I'd let you know what I've been 
up to. I'm practicing sunsets because they've kind of scared me until now. It's a lot harder than it looks! 
I have more work to do but I'm happy with how this turned out. I used to different photos to come up with this one. I've also been working on some commissions for Christmas time. I just completed 2 and have 2 more to do. I may also be getting 3 more! So while I'm busy with the custom work, I won't be posting as much on here. I am still going to working on a few more sunsets and continuing
my figure paintings series. This painting sold the first day I posted it! I'm so grateful to be busy!  I usually post my paintings on my Facebook page before anywhere else and would love for you to follow my page! It's J Beaudet Studios.



Jacarandas in Maui!

Upcountry in Bloom

Here's my latest painting of the Jacaranda trees in Maui! I just love the color of these beautiful trees! I was in Maui over a year ago now and we drove all over the beautiful countryside in search of these trees. I went down this exact street but it didn't look like this. The trees weren't blooming...and everything seemed a little dry. I was lucky enough to have discovered a wonderful photographer from Maui on Facebook. His name is David Schoonover. I contacted him to ask if I could use his photos of the Jacaranda trees as reference for a painting. He said ok! He actually ended up being from a town not far from me! It's such a small world. I was so glad I asked him! I didn't want to copy his work but use it as a reference so I went on Google maps and took a tour through Upcountry on Maui until I found the same street. Believe me, it took a while but it was fun! I found other paintings I want to do later.

google maps reference

I just discovered another resource for photos that are ok to use. Richard Robinson gave the tip on his website. It's called, appropriately, "Paint my Photo", and has many photos that members have uploaded for other artists to use. My ideal would be to bring my easel to Maui and plop it down right in front of that tree and paint the day away...but reality sets in, and until that day comes, I'm happy to have these great resources and gracious photographers available to me!


Kapalua Memories

being revised

This painting was done from a reference photo I took on my Maui trip last year. It was a perfect day for strolling along the path. We walked all the way to the end and saw the most majestically powerful waves, crashing on the rocky lava coast. Such great memories. We weren't staying at the butterfly place (see link above) but we did get to stay at the Westin Kaanapali Villas, which is now my favorite resort. It's sits on the perfect beach for sunbathing, snorkeling, and of course...sunsets. 

Aloha! and Mahalo!


Black Rock View Maui...


This painting is another one from my enormous collection of photos I took last year. I hope I'm not boring you all with my Hawaii dreaming! I have one more large piece to do of this photo below.
I'm not sure if you know so thought I'd mention, I do commissions! 
If you have a favorite spot and have a semi good photo of it I can bring it to life and create a memorable keepsake for you or it would make a great wedding gift or realtor house warming gift! I will post some that I've done in the past some time soon. I hope everyone had a great weekend! I had a nice one with a visit to my mom's house. She and her husband just got back from their winter in Mexico! 
They were gone for about three months and it's sure good to have them back in town again! 
Happy sunshine day with spring so close!


#twitterartexhibit in L.A.

I did this little painting for a charity exhibit in Los Angeles called #TwitterArtExhibit. This is their 3rd year and it just keeps growing. Each entry can only be 4x6 inches or smaller. This was a little difficult because that's usually the size use for my sketches. I also did it on paper instead of canvas because I don't have any loose canvas on hand right now. I chose a reference photo I took on my trip to Maui last Spring. Just another beautiful road in the upcountry area with beautiful jacaranda tree lined roads.
If you're interested in joining the cause you can find more information here.

Have a great weekend:)


Maui Upcountry Jacaranda

(I had to remove the original because the size was too large and it didn't have a watermark) 
Here's my latest painting inspired by my trip to Maui. The Jacaranda trees were just starting to
bloom. There were so many beautiful farms, it felt like a storybook. The colors really are this vivid there.
The only thing missing is a rainbow. If you love rainbows, there's always one
somewhere on the island; it's magical!

Sharing on Show and Tell Friday with Cindy from My Romantic Home

I also did a smaller cropped version of this one for a challenge on Dailypaintworks

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. is the domain name. I...