Showing posts with label jbeaudet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jbeaudet. Show all posts


Same artist New Name! Jennifer Beaudet - Artist Whose Passion Kept Her Jen Beaudet Z

Same artist New Name! Formerly Jennifer Beaudet - Artist Whose Passion Kept Her Going now Jen Beaudet Z

Field of Flowers oil painting J Beaudet Studios

Artpromotivate: Jennifer Beaudet - Artist Whose Passion Kept Her Going: Spotlight on California, USA artist Jennifer Beaudet, featuring Modern Impressionist paintings.

Hey guys! I wanted to share this interview I did for Artpromotivate. 2013. It shares a little bit about my inspiration, education, and my process. I was going by Jennifer Beaudet then, because...well...that was my name. I have recently been trying separate myself from another oil painter with the same name. I would have used my middle name but she beat me to it! And it turns out we have the same middle name too! It's enough to make you crazy. It wouldn't bother me except her website comes up when I do a search for my name. All my paintings come up, but I'd kind of like this website to come up first since I've been at this since 2009. So...since I just got married in September 2020, I figured it's a good time for change. Previously, I had been signing my work J Beaudet, but from now on it will be J Beaudet Z. Hopefully you will not be confused. I'm still going by Jen Beaudet but now there's a Z at the end, for new Dutch hubby.

Anyway, I'm so happy with my new name and hope this works to separate myself from the rest! After racking my brain, trying to come up with something that makes me different, I realized I'm a left-handed artist! Only 10% of the population is left handed, so I think that makes me kind of unique. It's funny, but losing my name felt like a loss of my identity! Like identity theft. It's a weird feeling. I had to search for who I am all over again. I was Jennifer Beaudet for 30 years and J Beaudet, the artist, since I was in college. The fact we share the same middle name is just unreal! Not that it matters, because you can't hear the pronunciation, but I say it "Boday" like Monet, she says Beaudet like "debt" (sorry, I couldn't think of another example). So how we differ is, I'm left handed and pronounce it Boday, I'm from California and I'm older....(by only 2 years, but still) Haha! So now, I'm moving on...New year, new name...

J Beaudet Zondervan (the cool thing is it's Dutch like Van Gogh! 

I'd love to hear other artist's thoughts about this. Has anything similar happen to you? Or maybe you have another suggestion? You can email me @ or comment here

Poppies Delight
J Beaudet Z 
click to see prints available 

The Moment 
J Beaudet Z 
CLICK for print options 

The Forgotten Rose
by J Beaudet Z
Click for print options

Picked For You
by J Beaudet Z SOLD
Click for print options

You can help me by sharing these with my new name and linking back to this website! Thank you!!!
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support over all these years! 


Looking for Spring Blooms...


I can't wait for Spring so painted these to help. I used a palette knife for this one and realized I really like the texture and depth and that loose feeling I'm after. I'm working on a floral series all done with a knife. They are different sizes but all of beautiful flowers. Did I ever tell you I was a floral designer for a while? I love flowers! I only wish I could grow them! I'll never give up trying. 

If you've been following me through the years you know my daughter is away at college and that it was a very difficult time for me getting used to her not being around. I go through a mini empty nest every time she comes home for break then leaves again. Now she has a boyfriend and is even further away from me and so so busy. I know she's grown now but I still think of her as my little girl. 

This series I'm working on is a reflection of what I'm going through and I will call it Bloom, referring to my daughter blooming into the beautiful girl she has become and of her mother 
blooming into her new life. I'm still struggling with the later, trying to define what exactly that is, but I'm moving in the right direction. 


Misty Hanalei Bay

no longer available 
I just finished this one for another workshop from Richard Robinson. I'm really enjoying doing his workshops and am learning new techniques! I also started using walnut oil instead of linseed oil. Walnut oil is non toxic so I love that! The workshop focused on little figures in landscapes being made with simple brush strokes. 

If you've ever been to Kauai you know how misty it can get over on the North side of the island. It doesn't matter whether it's rainy or sunny,'s always magical. 

I've been selling a few paintings and prints these last few weeks. I hope to keep up this momentum 
in the coming new year! 
For the new year I plan on keeping up with the workshops and
getting in some more galleries and boutiques, but I also want to get back to doing more paintings like I was doing when I started. Think more floral still lives with a whimsy feel (and more watercolors Vicki). I noticed I've been getting away from florals and whimsy feel. I guess the workshop and comparing my work to other's is what's happening and while it's good to improve my skills I don't want to lose my expressive touch, which is where I started. I'm working on another Venice, Italy piece right now and am conscious of this thought. I think it's looking a little Monet like. 
But you'll have to tell me what you think! 




Ok..I'll add more later:)

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! 


An early Christmas gift!

a gift to you

Hi to all my blogland friends! I would like to give you this Christmas card as a gift for your loyalty and support! You mean so much to me and have touched my life in so many ways. This is my way of saying thank you! So please feel free to download this image for your own use (no mass producing as the image still belongs to J Beaudet Studios) You can make cards to send to your friends or just enjoy it in your own home:) If you do accept it please help spread the word about my work! Please post this on your blog if you have one and mention following my blog. Sharing it is so appreciated just as long as you give a link back and mention me:) I would be forever grateful! 

Happy Holidays!


French Country Decor...


Well my Trinity County scene has gone through a lot of changes. I almost trash it all together but
I think I like it now. I haven't posted it yet because i'm still thinking about it. I may have chosen the wrong view to use.Anyway, I painted this little guy today outside. I'm trying to get my plein air equipment together. I had some help from a post by a fellow painter. Here's her blog with a link directly to her directions on making a pochade box.I have the tripod but still need to attach the box. I used eye hooks on one side of the box and put wire through itso it won't swing open all the way. I still need something to keep it from closing. Lauren used a hanger wire which sounds like a good idea. There's some drilling involved and something I have to get at the hardware store soI'll have to finish it in a few days. I've pain tined outside before but at a table.I'm trying to get set up so I can paint anywhere. It's only taken me about 2 or 3 years to do this; I think it's definitely time.


Roses Shells and Sun...

The perfect combo. I love all these things and wish this really was my view.  Unfortunately it's far from it. I have a beautiful view from my home but it's been snowing and raining for about a week. The sun finally came out so I could paint this one with the beautiful light from the sun. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Don't miss Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home


Photographers of Etsy!

The Photographers of Etsy blog posted my print on their blog! It happened on Monday but I want to share it with you! I feel honored to have my work shown with such great photographers! The post was Mosaic Mondays.
I also have a new listing in my shop too!

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. is the domain name. I...