Showing posts with label impressionist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label impressionist. Show all posts


Same artist New Name! Jennifer Beaudet - Artist Whose Passion Kept Her Jen Beaudet Z

Same artist New Name! Formerly Jennifer Beaudet - Artist Whose Passion Kept Her Going now Jen Beaudet Z

Field of Flowers oil painting J Beaudet Studios

Artpromotivate: Jennifer Beaudet - Artist Whose Passion Kept Her Going: Spotlight on California, USA artist Jennifer Beaudet, featuring Modern Impressionist paintings.

Hey guys! I wanted to share this interview I did for Artpromotivate. 2013. It shares a little bit about my inspiration, education, and my process. I was going by Jennifer Beaudet then, because...well...that was my name. I have recently been trying separate myself from another oil painter with the same name. I would have used my middle name but she beat me to it! And it turns out we have the same middle name too! It's enough to make you crazy. It wouldn't bother me except her website comes up when I do a search for my name. All my paintings come up, but I'd kind of like this website to come up first since I've been at this since 2009. So...since I just got married in September 2020, I figured it's a good time for change. Previously, I had been signing my work J Beaudet, but from now on it will be J Beaudet Z. Hopefully you will not be confused. I'm still going by Jen Beaudet but now there's a Z at the end, for new Dutch hubby.

Anyway, I'm so happy with my new name and hope this works to separate myself from the rest! After racking my brain, trying to come up with something that makes me different, I realized I'm a left-handed artist! Only 10% of the population is left handed, so I think that makes me kind of unique. It's funny, but losing my name felt like a loss of my identity! Like identity theft. It's a weird feeling. I had to search for who I am all over again. I was Jennifer Beaudet for 30 years and J Beaudet, the artist, since I was in college. The fact we share the same middle name is just unreal! Not that it matters, because you can't hear the pronunciation, but I say it "Boday" like Monet, she says Beaudet like "debt" (sorry, I couldn't think of another example). So how we differ is, I'm left handed and pronounce it Boday, I'm from California and I'm older....(by only 2 years, but still) Haha! So now, I'm moving on...New year, new name...

J Beaudet Zondervan (the cool thing is it's Dutch like Van Gogh! 

I'd love to hear other artist's thoughts about this. Has anything similar happen to you? Or maybe you have another suggestion? You can email me @ or comment here

Poppies Delight
J Beaudet Z 
click to see prints available 

The Moment 
J Beaudet Z 
CLICK for print options 

The Forgotten Rose
by J Beaudet Z
Click for print options

Picked For You
by J Beaudet Z SOLD
Click for print options

You can help me by sharing these with my new name and linking back to this website! Thank you!!!
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support over all these years! 


New Peonies Painting!

Vintage Shells and Peonies

This painting is "me", full of my favorite things. I love the Shabby Chic, French Country, Romantic style. It has an old vintage feel to it because of the palette,  which I love. This is definitely a palette I would like to stick with for a while.


Kincaids Redondo Beach Artist J Beaudet

kincaids Redondo Beach painting from J Beaudet of Jen Beaudet art

Here's the finished piece! Still wet on my easel. This pic was taken with my phone so it's not the greatest. I'll be taking some good ones tomorrow and then send them off for approval! 

It's finally happening! You might remember me mentioning some big studio news about six months ago.  I had been contacted by a restaurant designer and asked if I had any Redondo Beach artwork. She was in search of new art for an upscale restaurant on the Redondo Beach Pier. If you've been following me from the beginning, you'll know what a big deal this is for me! I grew up there, and the pier is always been the first place I go with my daughter when I visit my home. So many good memories there! I blogged about the pier back in 2009 and have done several paintings of it. They were interested in buying this one I had already done, but the size wasn't right. There also needed to be three that went together. 

This was the one she was originally interested in…the one underneath was a smaller version I had painted before I painted a larger one. 

A Day at the Beach 

available as a print…

 The photographer, Randy Ruby, is kind of famous in the South Bay, and I was already familiar with his work. Actually, I was already friends with him on Facebook! It couldn't have been anymore perfect! It's strange how things work out!Fast forward months later to now, it's finally happening! I'm working on the first one now! There will be three altogether and one of them is the largest size I've ever painted (30x60)! I think I'm saving that one for last.

I'll be sharing the progress on here and…if you're in town, maybe you would like to see them in person! They won't be there for about 3 months from now, but I'll let you know when they are!

Oh! I guess I should mention what the restaurant is! It's one of the finest restaurants in the South Bay. It's the place my family goes for celebrations. (somehow, I was never present for those celebrations, and have never been!) Anyway, it's a nice steak and seafood restaurant with a gorgeous view of the Pacific Ocean. It's called Kincaid's; you've probably heard of them as they have many other restaurants around the country! Now I'm wondering if this will lead to more! I sure hope so!

Here's what's on my easel now! I took the photo with my phone, so it's not the best quality. The sky is more blue than it looks right here.  Since this one was taken, I've done more work on the pylons and boardwalk, and I'm almost done; just getting ready to start the next one! I'll try to post the finished one tomorrow. 

Here's Randy on his kayak...

Here's the beautiful reference photograph from Randy Ruby…

Prints available here...

Good times around here right now! Thank you to all who have made this happen…! :)

I was honored to have worked with such a wonderful man. He is deeply missed.

At the time I painted this I was living in Northern California. I am now in Socal again. I'm in San Clemente. I will always love my hometown of Redondo and try to visit as much as possible. 

Here are some new local landscapes I've done

Happy 4th of July Weekend to all my friends in the US! I have to also mention that this is my birthday month and I'm already starting to celebrate! 


New Koi Fish and Lily Pad Painting!

click here to view on Etsy
The Dance of the Koi
24x36 inch
oil on canvas

Here's my latest palette knife painting of beautiful koi fish with lily pads and flowers! I really enjoyed painting this one, especially when I broke out my knife! I had originally started this one with mostly a brush,using a knife on the flowers and a little bit on the fish, but soon realized it needed more interest and depth. I use such a small knife that this one took me quite sometime to complete, but it was so much fun bringing theses little guys to life!

close up

Koi represent courage and I need to tap in to this! 

They're referred to as "lucky koi"
Many of the attributes of the koi symbolize several lessons and even trials individuals often encounter in life. The koi fish has a powerful and energetic life force, demonstrated by its ability to swim against currents and even travel upstream. Some of the characteristics associated with the koi include:

Good fortune

...all good things we could all use! 

 I tried to take the main photo at an angle because of the glare but it's still there, and now it just looks crooked! I'll be taking it again when it has a chance to dry more. I'll be working on a few commissions in the next few months, so I might not be sharing a lot of new art, but might be able to post some progress shots! 


More Progress on the Field of Tulips

I worked some more on this piece yesterday, and am just about finished. I do think the two stripes of flowers in the distance could be broken up a bit, but other than that I think it's done! I'll try to get some better photos later today but it looks like rain, so no sun. Have a great week ahead! 



Spring in a Mason Jar!

Spring in a Mason Jar

Here's the finished painting! I'm already planning my next one. I used a palette knife for most of the painting except for some areas that I wanted to recede a little. I posted some close ups on Etsy so you could see the palette work. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and have a chance to get out and enjoy the beautiful spring flowers blooming! I'll just be working on another painting!:) 



More progress on my spring floral painting...

16x16 inch oil

If you saw how this began, it's changed a lot. It's definitely a work in progress! I usually paint florals this way; make it up as I go. I try to have an idea about the kinds of flowers and the basic colors I want to use but it always evolves. Even if I have it set up just the way I want it, once I start painting, it takes a life of it's own. 
I think I'm going to take out the middle green bud in the top left corner and am not sure about the bright orange/red tulip hanging down. It may become more of a yellow/orange and a different kind of flower all together! I'm using a palette knife with a little brush work to give some variety, but I like the free movement I get with a palette knife. Anyway, I'm loving painting these spring flowers! 


New Spring Painting in Progress

Just getting started on this one, inspired by the coming of Spring! I've just laid down some color but have a long way to go yet. It's actually already changed I just haven't loaded the pic yet! It's a 16x16 inch canvas and I'm using both a palette knife and brush with lots of juicy paint! 

I took a very quick last minute trip to the South Bay, with my daughter, last week. She was on her Spring Break and I thought it would be nice to go down and visit family while getting some business done. We had a great time seeing everyone and managed to take over 300 photos! Lots of inspiration! I needed to get some new reference photos of the area and stopped by a restaurant that I'm hoping to have my work in. They contacted me about 3 months ago, and I've been working with them, planning what paintings they are interested in, the sizes, doing tests on the canvases for durability, etc.. Now I'm just waiting for the final word from the corporate office (send me some good vibes!). It would be a really big deal for me! 



Coastal Painting in Progress

Here's what's on my easel this week! It's an oil on 24x36 canvas; large for me! I've been posting my progress on my Facebook page and hopefully will finish it up this weekend! 

This is the view from Torrance/Redondo Beach sidewalk. It's where I grew up. Thirty years of my life were spent there, actually thirty one if you count the year I moved back. I miss it…a lot. It's hard when you grow up in such a beautiful place being able to roller skate to the beach, spending the whole day there 'til the sunsets. I have the best memories from this place! It's my home, and always will be. I'm displaced right now, in the mountains, so far from the ocean. How can you miss a place so much it hurts? I feel the same way about Hawaii though and I didn't grow up there. Must be the ocean, it gives me life! 

Anyway, as you can see, this painting has a very deep meaning to me. I could almost paint it from memory. I'm mostly using a brush for this one, with some areas needing a palette knife for a nice edge. The flowers in the foreground are from blooming ice-plant (which brings back memories of writing on the sidewalk with it. Did you ever done that?) 
The blooms are a beautiful magenta and bright yellow (which I haven't added yet). Ice-plant is not the most aesthetic of plants but I'm trying to achieve an impressionistic feel to it so that it's more appealing. 

The sand in the above stage was to saturated in color so I toned it down adding some ultra marine blue and more white, to the mix. This set it back further and made the hill come forward. I feel the hill is too dark though so I'l lightened it up with some a little lighter but saturated color mixed with areas of greys. 

This was stage one. I toned the canvas with orange since it would be a predominantly blue piece, this would give the painting some warmth and unity. I sketched in the scene very roughly with a brush.
 I usually use a darker color but this one worked. 
The lines aren't visible in the end so it didn't matter. 
This stage was done with acrylics. 

So, this is what I'll be doing this weekend! What are you up to? 



Final Woman in Red Dress Painting SOLD!

I finished this piece on day 4, Valentine's Day, appropriately! I listed it on Facebook and had it sold in
3 hours! It's always so exciting when that happens and I'm left wondering if I can do it again. Being consistent is not always easy. I recently had a discussion with a fellow artist about this subject. It is one of the most important aspect of success in this business, but being an artist, wanting to "express" my feelings, consistency can be challenging. This is when hard work and determination plays an important role. So…with all that being said, we'll see what I come up with next. 
Will I be able to do it again? Stay tuned to see! Are you being consistent? Any tips?



Day 3 of Woman in Red Painting

I've worked more on this one and am really enjoying the process. I think I mentioned earlier how much I love painting fabric. I remember back in my early college drawing class. 
One of the assignments was to draw a crumpled sheet. 
It seemed like an odd subject but I learned so much from it
 and was amazed when it actually became a piece of artwork. 
There's so much intricacy to the folds. Sometimes a bit challenging but in a good way! 

I'm planning on finishing this one today so hopefully will get it posted and listed on Etsy by tonight! 

Oh! Happy Valentine's Day! 



Sunset Stroll...

Here's a commission I'm finishing up this weekend. I still need to paint the figure in and work a little more on the background. I just really love the colors in this. I started it with a very colorful acrylic canvas. That way I didn't have to worry about any white peaking through.
 It's making me want to go to the beach, but that's nothing new. Thank goodness it's a sunny day here today...even though we desperately need rain here in California!  



Wet Paint!

Fresh off the easel! Well...actually it's still on it. This one was done with a palette knife and brushes in oil. I used a Ray Mar hard panel board on this one and it an 11x14 inch. 



Giving Thanks

I just wanted to take a moment to say how thankful I am to be living my dream! Up until now my life has been far from a dream but I've never given up on my dream of being a working artist! Don't ever give up on your dream! Be persistent, do at least one step a day to get you closer to your dream, and work your little tail off! I'm not there yet, but am working hard to conquer my fears and overcome some obstacles in my way. Stay positive and live in the moment...I must remind myself of these, daily! 

Thank you to each and every one of you who have supported me along the way! Even if you're just popping over for a quick hello, sharing my work with others, or maybe even adding a piece to hang in your home, I am truly blessed to have you in my life!

As a thank you gift, I'm offering free shipping on all my items in my ETSY SHOP through Cyber Monday! Happy shopping! 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!


NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. is the domain name. I...