Showing posts with label impasto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label impasto. Show all posts


Figure in Red Dress

Available here

I just finished this oil painting of a somewhat abstract figure in a red dress. Any suggestions for a name?
I think it's going to be called "The Moment". Thank you for the suggestion Terra! 
I'm so inspired to paint more like this and the other vintage dress painting I recently did.

I just got the Zumba fitness program and am starting it with my mom. I need to loose 20 pounds by October. We'll see if it works! I'm excited to start seeing and feeling the results! 

Welcome to all my new followers and visitors! I'm so happy to have you stop by:)
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Inspiration Friday Graphic_thumb[3]


Sunflowers Peonies and more!


8x8 oil on hard wood panel board
ready to hang

These are some belated birthday flowers. They've lasted a while but it's time to get
some new ones now. I love using lemons in my paintings. They add such a fresh feel. The paint is juicy although you can't see in the photo. This is my first painting that I've singed as Jen Beaudet. I may start signing my full name but haven't decided yet. Thanks so much for stopping by. I look forward to hearing your comments and feedback. 

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. is the domain name. I...