Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts


Final Woman in Red Dress Painting SOLD!

I finished this piece on day 4, Valentine's Day, appropriately! I listed it on Facebook and had it sold in
3 hours! It's always so exciting when that happens and I'm left wondering if I can do it again. Being consistent is not always easy. I recently had a discussion with a fellow artist about this subject. It is one of the most important aspect of success in this business, but being an artist, wanting to "express" my feelings, consistency can be challenging. This is when hard work and determination plays an important role. So…with all that being said, we'll see what I come up with next. 
Will I be able to do it again? Stay tuned to see! Are you being consistent? Any tips?



Day 3 of Woman in Red Painting

I've worked more on this one and am really enjoying the process. I think I mentioned earlier how much I love painting fabric. I remember back in my early college drawing class. 
One of the assignments was to draw a crumpled sheet. 
It seemed like an odd subject but I learned so much from it
 and was amazed when it actually became a piece of artwork. 
There's so much intricacy to the folds. Sometimes a bit challenging but in a good way! 

I'm planning on finishing this one today so hopefully will get it posted and listed on Etsy by tonight! 

Oh! Happy Valentine's Day! 



30 Paintings in 30 Days!

they're all sold or in private collections now

I learned quite a bit from this challenge. As usual, I skipped around in subjects, sizes, medium, just about everything. I learned that I need to focus on one thing! I was using this challenge to explore acrylics and figured out how to
achieve the look of oils! I was also able to paint a few subjects that I had never painted before, like the waterlilies.
I'll still be using oils but am happy to have another
less expensive alternative. 

Thanks for following and supporting me through this challenge! 
I can't wait for next year's:)



Day 16 and a New Series of Figure Paintings


I've been planning this series for a while now and excited to get started! There will be 10 when it's complete but that might take me a while. I have three commissions in the works now and am still trying to complete the 30 in 30 Day Challenge by Leslie Saeta.

This new figure series was inspired by a blog I found via Facebook. I thought my daughter would like I "liked" it. Turns out I'm the one that liked it. It's called Running in Wedges Nicole Alyse is  New York City,personal style blogger and vintage buyer. She not just beautiful,also has great hair and an amazing photographer. One day a post popped up and I was inspired to paint her so I was thrilled she said yes, and have been anxious to start the series ever since. It will consist of a series of 10,small format,somewhat abstract figures of vintage fashions.

If you've been following for a while you may remember how excited I was to have my daughter be my muse, only to discover I'm too attached to the paintings to sell them. Now I'm happy to have  found Nicole's blog,and my new muse!...Maybe someday...when I'm famous...I will be able to afford a live model, but until then, thank you Nicole!


The Luck of the...

It's a little early for St Patrick's Day but I wanted to share some of my luck. I hope I don't jinx it! I am grateful for all the abundance in my life! This is just one of them and I will be posting more to come.

A few months back I commented on Diana Mieczan's Express-o. You can see her blog here. I've been following her blog for years now and always enjoy her posts about fashion, movies and the simple little things in life. She has such a positive outlook on life and her blog reflex this. As soon as I saw the giveaway I knew it would be perfect for my daughter. The shop is called I Adorn U by Mary Beth Heishman and she's on Etsy too!

I had just talked with my daughter about how she liked all the geometric influence in fashion lately. So when I received an email from Diana telling me I won I was so excited and new instantly this would be going under the tree for Christmas. I finally got the photo of it so I could share it with you. You know how busy a college girl can be... She absolutely loves it and wears it almost every day! It fits her dainty wrist perfectly and the coral color is just perfect! The quality is wonderful and the packaging was so nice. I would definitely recommend this shop for anyone looking for cutting edge fashion. And believe me, my daughter is cutting edge. She's the girl that likes a band before anyone has ever heard of them and I don't know how she does it but she knows what's going to be in style well before any of the stores do. I keep telling her she needs to have a blog but she's so busy getting A's! Ok, yes, I'm a proud mom...but it's true; she's amazing!

Thank you so much Diana and Mary Beth for a wonderful surprise!

Another lucky thing that happened to me was a few years back now. I don't think I ever blogged about it so I'm doing it now. I was so happy and surprised when Simone from Beach Vintage bought one of my paintings and if that wasn't enough she showed it off in her blog here.

It might seem like a small thing to you but it meant a lot to me. 


Lovely Etsy Shop!


It's been a while since I've posted about other products that I love. I've been so busy concentrating on 
painting that I've been neglecting my beautiful blog. I'd like to highlight a wonderful shop on Etsy that I've recently purchased from. So I can tell you first hand of the quality and beauty of the items in ShopPretties. I even love the name. The owner of this lovely shop is Deb Lonergan. 
She is so gracious and her customer service is top notch. My package came wrapped in a pretty bow ready to give to my mother for her 70th birthday!

love this one!

This is the one I gave my mom!

with these to match!

My mom is very high fashion, always has been. She has great taste and knows what she likes. She's kind of a jewelry snob. Boy does she ever love her latest additions and even got her nails done to match! She also just purchased a new Judith Ripka piece to go with her new set. Now it's complete! We had a surprise party for her and was she ever surprised! It was great! Her friends from across the country came, as did all her family members! It was so touching to see her crying for joy! We had a wonderful dinner catered at a local Bed and Breakfast called The Whitmore Inn. It's a victorian home all decorated in that era. It was a wonderful way to celebrate. Her husband had planned everything...he's so special. 


New Vintage Dress Painting!

I revised this painting and it's now in a private collection
Revisiting my vintage dress paintings the other day inspired me to do a large one. The dress I used for reference was a vintage prom dress or maybe a wedding dress but I updated it a little with the floral appliqués that I love so much in today's bridal styles. I love to watch "Say Yes To The Dress" and am so inspired by the dresses on there. I know, I'm a dork...but I just love that show. I also love weddings and would get remarried every year if I could! I am really happy with how this painting turned out. I had been wanting to do something like this for a long time but I think I wasn't ready until now.

Joining the party at My Romantic Home Show and Tell Friday-
so many great links there!

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. is the domain name. I...