Showing posts with label country road. Show all posts
Showing posts with label country road. Show all posts


30 Paintings in 30 Days!

they're all sold or in private collections now

I learned quite a bit from this challenge. As usual, I skipped around in subjects, sizes, medium, just about everything. I learned that I need to focus on one thing! I was using this challenge to explore acrylics and figured out how to
achieve the look of oils! I was also able to paint a few subjects that I had never painted before, like the waterlilies.
I'll still be using oils but am happy to have another
less expensive alternative. 

Thanks for following and supporting me through this challenge! 
I can't wait for next year's:)



30 in 30 Day 2


Here's my day #2 of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 challenge.
 I didn't get started until about 4:30 so by the time I finished 
there was no light besides my inadequate lightning. Lighting is 
definitely on my wish list! It's really a necessity actually. 
I'll retake the photos in the morning so the photo will be clearer. 
This painting was inspired by a photographer 
friend of mine, Steve Phelp's photo taken in Washington State. 
I cropped it a little and added a few more trees but the scene was just beautiful! 

This kind of gets me excited for fall weather.


NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. is the domain name. I...