Showing posts with label 30 in 30. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 30 in 30. Show all posts


I finished the Challenge!

Thank you Leslie Saeta for hosting this challenge! I don't have all the paintings prepared to post in this collage, yet, so I'll have to do that later. This has been a great learning experience for me and has also helped get me into a habit of painting everyday! Thank you all who found something special to add to your home! Out of this bunch, eleven have sold and I think one from the bunch I haven't posted yet. I did want to keep them all similar but ended up doing some quick watercolor "sketches" for lack of time. I'm still working on several commissions along with all of these. 

I hope that this challenge can help me focus in one direction. I'm jotting down a plan of action right now. If anything it's renewed my momentum to keep pushing forward! 
I think most artists struggle with this at times, (at least I think they do). It's not an easy business to pursue, that's for sure. Putting your art art out there is like putting a piece of your soul out for the world to see! 

Thanks so much for following me on my journey! 



Day 3 Bougainvillea Love

The Sunny Side
8x8 inch
Blick canvas panel

This is another little painting inspired by my friend on face book's travel photos. I cropped in close on this scene and made the bougainvillea blooming a little more than it was at that time. I was drawn to this scene for the stairs, the flowers, and the sunny warmth on the stone walls. Off to paint my next one! 


Day 2 of the 30 in 30 Challenge

8x8 inch panel

Busy painting! I've also been working on a portrait commission which is coming along nicely. It has four faces in it though so it's a little more work than normal. This painting was inspired by a Facebook friend's travel photos. Just a quaint little French scene. I added the flowers and the tree on the side.
Tomorrow's painting will be another from her photos. (I'm still waiting to get some of my daughter's photos from her trip to Paris…) 



30 Paintings in 30 Days!

they're all sold or in private collections now

I learned quite a bit from this challenge. As usual, I skipped around in subjects, sizes, medium, just about everything. I learned that I need to focus on one thing! I was using this challenge to explore acrylics and figured out how to
achieve the look of oils! I was also able to paint a few subjects that I had never painted before, like the waterlilies.
I'll still be using oils but am happy to have another
less expensive alternative. 

Thanks for following and supporting me through this challenge! 
I can't wait for next year's:)



Day 16 and a New Series of Figure Paintings


I've been planning this series for a while now and excited to get started! There will be 10 when it's complete but that might take me a while. I have three commissions in the works now and am still trying to complete the 30 in 30 Day Challenge by Leslie Saeta.

This new figure series was inspired by a blog I found via Facebook. I thought my daughter would like I "liked" it. Turns out I'm the one that liked it. It's called Running in Wedges Nicole Alyse is  New York City,personal style blogger and vintage buyer. She not just beautiful,also has great hair and an amazing photographer. One day a post popped up and I was inspired to paint her so I was thrilled she said yes, and have been anxious to start the series ever since. It will consist of a series of 10,small format,somewhat abstract figures of vintage fashions.

If you've been following for a while you may remember how excited I was to have my daughter be my muse, only to discover I'm too attached to the paintings to sell them. Now I'm happy to have  found Nicole's blog,and my new muse!...Maybe someday...when I'm famous...I will be able to afford a live model, but until then, thank you Nicole!


Day 11 of 30 in 30 Challenge

Something different for today. I used acrylics which I don't normally use so I had to get used to them again. I may explore them more because it's pretty nice to have it dry so quickly. 
I just need to figure out how to achieve the same feel as oils. I know there's a way because I've seen some really nice paintings from other artists using acrylics. 



30 in 30 Day 3

California Cow 1
6x6 inch
oil on panel

On day 4 now, and hoping to get two done to catch up! 
I have some more cow/barn, and maybe horses to do. I took a drive to Douglas City 
and got some good
reference photos to work from The weather is so nice today 
I may take my paints outside and paint. 
It's only supposed to reach 80! 


30 in 30 Day 2


Here's my day #2 of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 challenge.
 I didn't get started until about 4:30 so by the time I finished 
there was no light besides my inadequate lightning. Lighting is 
definitely on my wish list! It's really a necessity actually. 
I'll retake the photos in the morning so the photo will be clearer. 
This painting was inspired by a photographer 
friend of mine, Steve Phelp's photo taken in Washington State. 
I cropped it a little and added a few more trees but the scene was just beautiful! 

This kind of gets me excited for fall weather.


NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. is the domain name. I...