
Busy March Passing by Like A Lion!


oil painting Jen Beaudet Zondervan white flowers and green
16x20 inch oil on canvas

It's been a few months since I've posted anything but I've been busy painting and working. Where does the time go? Well, I've also been planning for our trip to Italy! I'm so excited about it and I've been shopping for the perfect shoes...I haven't found them so I will be wearing my tennis shoes everywhere. I know it won't look good but my feet will be happy. 

This piece is still drying by I just want to share my updated version. Below is what it started as.

It looked nice before but I wanted to give it more oomf. I thought it felt a little flat. I also warmed it up with my favorite color right now (Indian yellow). I love it! 

That's all for now. Have a beautiful day! 

PS I'm having a SALE for SPRING in my etsy shop! 

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