
Facebook Sucks

 Facebook sucks. I know you already knew. Some evil person (I have a hard time calling them a person). Some evil being is stealing my art, my name, my photos, and made an account. And after I changed my photo they stole that the next day! They are obviously watching my page. I reported it to Facebook. Friends and family have reported it. Facebook says the account doesn't go against their "community Standards"... So I went through all these hoops, filled out an intellectual property theft report and they did take the photos that I reported down, but the account remains with some of my photos that I didn't add links to. And they just stole different photos of mine and put them on their page again. 

Me from a few years ago

The way I found out about it was suspicious too. Some woman that I had never seen before came on my personal page and wrote in a comment that someone was impersonating me. I thanked her but I wonder how she knew. Because now when I post about it I am bombarded with "nice people" trying to help. They want me to click on a link or type in someone's name who can help me with hacked accounts, etc. 

I'm not that naive. I know a scam when I see it. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I may be deleting my Facebook business page. Maybe both, I'm not sure. 

If the Facebook people don't take this serious yet they take all kinds of things down about politics or nudes that might offend a certain group. They have their priorities all wrong. I am an artist. That's it. And I started sharing my paintings in 2009. First, on this blog. You guys actually saw me and encouraged me. You are why I kept going. Then I went on Facebook and shared more receiving more encouragement. It was a great time. It's not the same anymore. It has been overcome by malicious people, trying to ruin it for others. Facebook should have been on top of this instead of trying to be so accepting of all. Evil people have no place in my world. 


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