
My First Trip To Europe...How it Changed my Views About America - Part 2


oil painting of girl on a bike by the beach whimsical
available on Etsy 

So, A little more about Bruge. We stayed in the most spectacular hotel...more like a boutique hotel, called Hotel de Orangerie. It was so beautifully decorated and the breakfast buffet was so nice! 

It's a 15th Century renovated convent! There was so much history in Brugge! Every in Europe but Brugge is so well preserved. If you can go there it is definitely worthwhile. 

I even saw a bride and groom.

I haven't painted Brugge, or the bride yet but hope to. I currently have an overload of photos I want to paint, from our trip and the Facebook Group Free Reference Photos for Artists. It's become my go to for sleepless nights, but now I have saved so many to my phone, it keeps me up thinking about how many paintings I want to do! ha I don't have any problem being inspired as an artist. My problem is actually painting everything that inspires me. Sometimes I'm a little all over the place. I need to bring back my word of the year...FOCUS. 

So...let's get to what I would change in America from visiting Europe (because I know you can't wait to hear it)-

1. Public transportation -Europe's has got it down! Why can't we have something like that? At least in California. We took the bullet train from Amsterdam to Paris! What an incredible ride! In Paris, The Metro was so convenient and took us every we wanted to go. We even rode buses a few times. Everything was clean and efficient. So opposite of here. The Metro in DC is the exception. 

2. Cameras on the road-
 Sorry to say but we need policing. People here in Southern California, do not follow the laws and it's scary. I don't know where they came from, but I don't ever remember it being so bad (I grew up here). People run red lights like it's nothing, and the freeway is full of crazy drivers out for themselves. 
We drove on the freeway in The Netherlands and everyone drove the speed limit, which made it a very pleasant drive. If you've ever noticed, speeder don't really get there faster. 

3. And the best thing that Europe had that we definitely need here
  Pay for toilets it's about $1 but in my opinion worth every penny. Having a bathroom attendant assures   
 everything is clean, toilet paper stocked, and safe (safer than not being there)

Of course these are just my opinions and some will disagree and I know this has nothing to do with art but I just wanted to get that out.

My next post will be all about Paris and art! 

Here's a few older pieces I did that remind me to Europe. I have so many! 

2015 sold

2013 sold













They are all sold and from years ago. I'm currently working on a June challenge of small paintings which I will post on here soon! I'm sharing them on instagram @jbeaudet_art
I'd love to have you follow me there! 

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