
Here's a New California Winery Commission!


Here's a crop of my latest winery commission. I'm happy to say my clients love it! This was based on an older painting of mine which they found on Etsy. They wanted a landscape format instead of square and wanted the sky changed. This sky is more realistic and calm than the original. 

Here's the original.

I was thinking I might change this one to be more like the new sky but I do like this one. I might change it slightly so it looks less stormy. It actually might just need to be retaken with my camera. Anyway, it's been for sale for a while and my wineries seem to sell faster than this one has. 

Here's another photo of the new one. I changed it a little since this picture. Just added some more bright greens to the vines and some sunlight on the ground. Matching another painting is challenging and I always state that yours will be an original, as there will be variations in color and brushwork. I'm happy how it came out and even happier that my clients are! 

Next up- is yet to be determined...I have a lot of ideas so that's a good sign that I'm feeling inspired again. I'm sure I'm not alone. This has been a very strange year. I work as a hairdresser to have a more consistent income and we opened and closed 3 times! It's been crazy. My husband got lost his job due to covid and I'm excited to say he just started a new one after about 6 months looking. He's a chef manager and his industry was hit hard as well. 

I think June is going to be a great month and I'm looking forward to it! 

Thanks for reading this!

I'm still posting on this blog because my new website is a little different. I used my domain name that I had on here and transferred it over to the new...not sure if that was a good idea. Now I'm getting some bad link errors. I was hoping is would resolve itself but that it happen. Anyway, if you're still here I'm glad! :) 

Jennifer Beaudet Zondervan 

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...