
So excited for this announcement!

 I have two big announcements for J Beaudet Studios! 

Click to purchase the finished painting

This painting was done a few years back and is for sale. I contacted the photographer and he allowed me to paint this. I added the couple walking to create a story. I made them look like a romantic Italian couple taking a stroll through the streets of this beautiful town called Spello. The photographers name was Butts. He was so gracious to allow me to use his photo to paint. 
I recently received a commission to paint this same painting but LARGE! Very large! This one is an 11x14 but the new one I'm preparing to start on is going to be 36x48 inches. I've done a few large commissions but most art much smaller. I've recently been working larger and love it. This is going to be fun!
I couldn't find this size locally so I'm waiting to receive it from Blick. I like their quality and have never had any problems with my orders.  I am going to be posting progress and hopefully I can manage a video. 
So...I didn't forget my 30 day challenge. I just don't complete it. I have completed 2 and it's an awesome feeling! I had hoped to finish but fell off schedule and couldn't catch up. It takes time and stamina. I ended getting a bad sore throat, which thankfully went away in 3 days, but I wan't able to paint. I feel a little defeated but will try again next time! 
The other thing that kept me form finishing just happens to be my other exciting announcement! 
Drum roll please...............................................I have a beautiful new website! I've worked hard to get this going and have actually been working on 3 websites and have decided on this one (at least for now....Yes, I'm a little indecisive. It's a problem, but I finished this one and transferred my domain name so here we go!) I went with Faso. I like the artist friendly features and they make it so easy to use. 

The name of my new website is JBEAUDETSTUDIOS by J Beaudet Z

I'm still using my name Jennifer Beaudet because well, it's my name. I've been using it as an artist for a very long time and all of the interviews I've done over the years use this name. I'm not giving it up. Sorry. My new paintings will be signed J Beaudet Z and I think it looks nice but my name is Jen Beaudet or Jennifer Beaudet. I know my work speaks for itself and I feel confident you will know it's an authenticate Beaudet! 


30 Day Painting Challenge hosted by Sheila



30 Day Challenge hosted by Sheila at https://www.facebook.com/groups/406876779963135/?multi_permalinks=740689849915158&notif_id=1613198635003600&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif Thank you for hosting this Sheila! 

Day 1

Day 2
Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

I'm exploring a much looser process using acrylics paints. Having to keep up with daily painting is challenging while working full time but it's allowing me to be faster and subsequently more spontaneous. No time to fuss and just paint with feeling. I've talked about art as therapy before and this style is more therapeutic than ever! I feel like this is how I can express myself. This is my voice. I would like to explore it more in a larger form with more paint and textures. I love mixed media art and want to use a few different mediums with this bold expressive style. 

You may notice this is Day 13 yet I only have 9 to post. This is because I'm playing catch up! Maybe I can get to the point where I paint and sell again! I know it's possible because this is how it was a few years ago. I just realize the more I paint the more I sell...makes sense, right? 

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...