
A Shift...reflecting on good and bad

Blu Belle
 By J Beaudet Z©

Hi guys! I'm trying to be more consistent with posting on here but it's hard to keep up! I shared my latest painting on Instagram and it sold it in 3 days! Thank you to my new patron in Charleston SC. Oh, how I would love to go there sometime! I follow a few galleries from there and tell my hubby how I wish I could be in one of them. He just looks at me and says, " Well, you have to ask them..." Yeah, I guess he's right. I have to go after what I want and can't expect them to come knocking. I'm @jbeaudet_art on Instagram. I'd love to see you there! 

Speaking of going after what you want, I just started looking into a masterclass with Amira Rahim and can't wait to learn more! We started sharing art business information on Facebook back in 2013, and I'm happy to say she purchased one of my small works on paper! That was so nice! She has such an infectious personality it's hard not to feel motivated. I was excited to see she had moved to Socal and thought maybe we could meet someday but I just noticed she has almost 90,000 followers! I'm sure she's overwhelmed with her business and I doubt she remembers coming to me for advice about a few things. That was back when my art showed up in google first page...I know I can get there again! I plan on learning what I can from her instagram  business wisdom. I love her art but am afraid if I learn from her that my art may start to look like hers...not that I wouldn't like that, but I do want to be unique and recognized as J Beaudet Z. haha 

Here's the piece she bought! It was 5 years ago, while I was doing a 30 day challenge. Leslie Saeta did such a great job with that! I wish she was still hosting those! 


It was a 5x7 inch or maybe even smaller. I thought it was pretty cute. I feel like at that time, I was ready for a SHIFT. I was evolving and had more motivation than ever. I was selling every piece before I could get the next one loaded! I had people excited and following me, which made me want to paint more. It's amazing what encouragement does. This was back when my mom had stage 4 breast cancer (thank God she's in remission now and doing great!). We went on a trip to Kauai to celebrate life in March 2016...when I returned I walked into my house with my suitcase and noticed the washing machine open and the light left on. My husband wasn't home and would not have left the light on so I went in there to check. Inside the washer were women's gym close and underwear. It wasn't mine. That was the moment my life fell apart. The hurt and betrayal was too much for me. I had to move everything out in one day (while she was living in my home! Evil comes in all forms and she called herself a Christian. I found her bible next to his bed.) Moved in with my brother in Ventura and the online dating adventure began! I could write a book...I should....I lost my dad 2 years ago and that set me in a funk for longer than I would have thought. Thank God I found my love. He's everything I could have dreamed for and more. 

This was 5 years ago, and looking back I see what happened with my art and why I got off track. It hurts because it's my dream to be able to survive off only my art income, and that's where I was headed. But today is a new day a new beginning a fresh start! I am FOCUSED now and the silver lining of this virus is I now have the time again! So it's all coming back...creating, sharing, selling. That's the way to do it! I could never figure out how it would happen for me and what I was doing right. I finally realize, it's me. It's my passion. It's wanting something so bad you just don't give up no matter what. I'm more ready than ever! 

I fell like my art needs a fresh change. I was going that way 5 years ago and I know I can't pick up from the now. I need to start fresh, while taking all of my knowledge Ive learned over the last 11 years...actually more like 45 years. Geez! Yeah, I was an artist from the beginning. It's everything I am. 

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