
Can an Artist Change Their Name...successfully? By Jennifer Beaudet Zondervan...

If you have been following me you may already know the situation I encountered of another artist having my same exact name...even the same middle name! She also paints oils of similar subjects. The style is not quite that same but I'm afraid it could get confusing for my collectors. I've since spoken with her and found out that she's very cool and is also a great artist. It's a strange feeling and until it happens to you it's hard to understand how it feels. I had been working hard to brand my name and have managed to show up in a lot of places online. However, I took a little break and feel like I haven't fully come back from it. A divorce, being abruptly ripped from all of my possessions, having to start my life over from scratch...it's been a journey. Things are great now! I started working as hairstylist and happened to meet someone very special. We moved to San Clemente, California together in May and will be married soon!

Field of Flowers by Jen Beaudet Zondervan Original Sold

I know I've been focused on getting my life back and my art has suffered from that. But I still had my name, at least I thought I did. There is another Jennifer Beaudet whose website has much more power  than mine, so it comes up first. I just don't have the money to put towards that and have been doing it all on my own so far. My images show up first because there are so many, but her website shows up. I don't want to compete for my name. Art is a hard business and is very competitive. I liked my name J. Beaudet but now I feel like it's lost something. It's not me. I'm going to be married soon and will change my name to Zondervan. What if I started signing my paintings, Zondervan? How would that work in the art world? I've sold hundreds of paintings as J. Beaudet. My signature is recognizable. Would I be essentially starting over if I started painting under a new name?

It's frustrating and I feel a little loss of identity. But really, what's in a name? My name was Rutkoskie before I was married at 22, I could sign my paintings Rutkoskie. I'm conflicted and could use some advice. My heart says just keep painting (or I should say...start painting again like I used to) and keep signing my name J. Beaudet and it will all work out, but my mind says different. What would you do?

My hometown! PV View by J. Beaudet Zondervan Sold

Kincaid's on The Pier by J Beaudet Zondervan Sold

Peonies Delight by J. Beaudet Zondervan Sold

Koi Fish by J. Beaudet Zondervan Sold

My Pochade

Trinity River by J. Beaudet Zondervan

Update! My name is officially Jennifer Beaudet Zondervan now! I'm signing my work J Beaudet Z for now. I still live in San Clemente, California and have always lived in California (except one mistake by moving to Arizona for about 3 months...) 

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...