
Finding My Place by Artist Jennifer Beaudet

12x12 inch oil available

Moving to a new place is exciting but can also be an adjustment. New surroundings, new job, new life. Best thing is, I'm inspired to paint again and love my new studio! I guess it's a natural occurrence because of so many changes...I feel a transformation in my art happening. Am I struggling to find my voice as an artist? Or am I just adjusting to my new life?

18x24 inch original oil available 

I wrote this before I created my newest abstract. I am going to explore this direction and see where it takes me. It actually started because we want a large abstract for our new home. I have been wanting to try something like that and this is the perfect opportunity. The one posted here is a test and I love it! It's not large enough for my space, but I think the colors are going to work.  I already have a new commission for another one...just happens to be for my mom. I know when she loves something I've done that I'm onto something good. I mean, of course she likes most everything I do, but when she loves it it's obvious. My mom is an amazing interior designer who just never worked as one. Her life took her in a different direction, raising 3 kids, playing tennis, shopping...but if she had to make a living she would have been a top designer, really! So...when she loves something I've done, I listen.

I feel like abstract art comes from such a personal place it's not always easy to share it. I feel vulnerable, like I'm putting it all out there...naked. This is the direction I need to go not just for my art but for myself.

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...