
Winery painting for San Francisco Designer

commission sold


DixSterling said...

Sorry he was beastly to you but, in the end, it will all be for the best. Having such talent gives you something wonderful to focus on.

Sheila said...

You deserve better. His need to have her there, shows his weakness, not yours. You are just up the road! Kinda sorta. (Wildomar off the 15)
Sorry that you have to be far from your Mom, hope she is doing well. Thankful for you to have your brother.
I know there is a wise quote about change never being easy, and sometimes things have to explode to set us on the right path. But I can't think of it just now.
Going through a lot of changes here too, and I am trying to remind my self to see them as a positive, instead of a negative. Even though, or maybe because I have no control over them.

You will triumph! So hang in there and keep on doing what you do!
This one is wonderful by the way :)

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you Dix! It's hard but I know it's for the best and should have happened a long time ago...when I left the first time. I am fortunate to have my art!:)

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you Sheila! I hope your life is going well too! Change is always hard but exciting at the same time! :)

David Wyman said...

Change doesn't have to be bad! All you can do in a bad situation is adapt. I learned through Clara Berta's process for creating art that letting go of emotions you've been dwelling on really helps you when you are trying to do something right.

Jen Beaudet said...

Thank you David!

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