
Three White Roses

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This is a small 5x7 sketch of white roses. I like how it came out but still need more practice with all the shades in white. It's done on oil painting paper which is a new substrate for me. I kind of like how the paint goes on it and the brushstrokes show. I'm selling most of the 30 paintings and hoping to earn some money otherwise this may be the end of my journey. I know art is not something that people need and space is limited. That's why these little guys are great! Anyway, if you've ever considered purchasing my art...well, you know. Thank you for supporting the arts! :)


Unknown said...

Your roses are beautiful! I love the thick brush strokes, which bring the petals to life. Don't get discouraged, I believe people do need art in their life. Art provides beauty and beauty (whether through the colors of a sunset, new blooms in the spring, eyes of a loved one or from a painting that touches us) brings our hearts joy. Never underestimate the necessity of joy!

-Barbara Gillis Joines

Sheila said...

I so wish I was in the position to purchase one of your pieces! Or five or 20! This is lovely, I really like the warm peachy tone peeking out :)

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you Sheila! I just appreciate your comments! And knowing that you'd like to own one is a bonus! Thank you for all the support you give to all the artists out there! Your are awesome!

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you Barbara! I believe you're right and I'm going to try and hang in there! Thanks so much for your kind words of encouragement! :)

Terra said...

You are a gifted painter and I hope you keep on painting. I have one of your small ones and it hangs on our wall looking beautiful. I won it in a giveaway you had.

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 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...