
#fridaysketch Party!

Here's my sketch for the week. I think next week I'll be working on some nudes to liven things up for the party! haha Maybe I'll get some people to join me. If you'd like to join me I'm inviting you to post your sketches on my Facebook page

I had a busy week of painting too! 




I think Spring has cured my artist's block. I felt a little lost for a few months, but I'm back on track now and the creativity is flowing again! It must be winter…it happens almost every year. Oh how I wish I could live back in Southern California. It's hard when you're born and raised in the best weather possible and then have to move away. I still haven't given up on my dream of moving to Hawaii either, even though my husband doesn't want to anymore. Maybe he never did. Anyway, we will be moving sometime in the future because neither of us want to live here anymore, but for different reasons. I feel too isolated and he wants out of California. We're in a total disagreement of where to go. I want warm sunshine and a beach, he wants freedom and land. To be continued…

Meantime, I'll be painting away! I'm not sure about my new blog. I really like how it functions and the way it looks, but I can't seem to get you all over there. I understand, I don't like change either, or when things don't work. Hopefully it'll get going. 

Happy weekend! 


Sketch Party Friday!

I'm starting something new and doing it every Friday, on my new website! It's a Sketch Party! I hope you'll join me! Until then, I'll be partying by myself! haha


Been busy painting!

California Dream

Lavender Splendor

Two new ones. The color is not quite as bright as on here. Blogger automatically saturates the photos. I was actually going for a way more subtle warm feel on the first one. So if you want you can see a better  photo along with some close ups by clicking the links. 

Thanks for looking!

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...