
Winter's Sun and the year is setting

Wow, has this year flown by! I don't know about you but I'm glad it's over. I've had a great year as far as my art goes but with my mom's health it's been a tough one. Next year will be better and I'm really excited about it! My mom is doing great on her medication so far and the frequent doctor visits have subsided a bit. We don't have to go for a month! We have been going about once a week since September so it will be nice. The drive is no fun! We do make the best of it though and I'll miss our weekly shopping excursions.
In the studio, I'm still working on, working larger. This one is a 16x20 inch acrylic. It's nice to take a break from the oil paints for a bit. But I'm already missing them.


The winner is announced!

on my easel today

I've been working on some figures lately and still have a few more of the series to get to. The winner of the giveaway is Shelly G.! Thank you so much for all of your entries! Look for more in the future!

I hope you're all enjoying the season! We're getting our tree today (while it's not raining!) and might decorate this weekend. My mom is feeling good, a little tired because of the Chemo pill. Here white blood cell and platelet count has dropped to a critical level so we're being cautious about things. They took her off of it and waiting for it rise before continuing. Please keep her in your thoughts.
I'm staying very busy painting and time is flying by! We're all going to Hawaii in the Spring for a girls getaway! I can't wait! Happy Holidays if I don't get back here…but I should. :)

Oh! I'm offering Buy One Get One Free giclee prints through the weekend! Pop over to my Etsy shop to check it out! https://www.etsy.com/listing/202205183/buy-one-get-one-free-giclee-print?ref=shop_home_active_6


It's a Giveaway!

win this painting!

'Tis the season for gratitude and to express mine I'm having a giveaway! You can enter for a chance to win this 8x8 inch original oil painting by me, J. Beaudet. Just pop on over to my Facebook page J. Beaudet Studios and look for this painting to find out more. Make sure to "like" my page too! 

But wait! While I have you here, I'd love for you to follow this blog so you won't miss anything else. I have a great offer coming up! Happy Holidays everyone! I truly appreciate each and every one of you!!!


Been busy…here's my latest painting!

This is an original impressionist oil painting, of a woman. She's sitting in her vintage hat and gloves possibly waiting for someone. Maybe just waiting for the rain to stop. What if she's enjoying the sound of the rain? The colors are blue, grey, sea foam green, and a very subdued purple. Her dress is a dark crimson red, plum hue. This painting was completed with high quality gamblin oil paints with a palette knife and brushes for lots of interesting textures. Inspired by vintage fashion, rainy days, and my tube of phthalo blue! 

Thanks for looking! 

here's what's on my easel right now…


New Woman in Red

click here for more information 

Titled: "It Takes Time" 

Size: 30x40 inch 

Medium: oil on stretched canvas 

Thank you all for your thoughtful comments. It really means a lot to have your support through all of this. I'm back to painting again and it feels good. We're putting good healing thoughts out there and my mom feels your prayers too! There's a light surrounding her. This month, being Breast Cancer Awareness month, it's on all of our my minds. This year more than ever. I've had my own scare with a lump and I'm kicking myself now, wishing I had demanded the biopsy 6 months ago when I had the ultrasound. I just had the 6 month follow up ultrasound and they told me that I need a biopsy now because "it shouldn't have grown that much in 6 months".  Ok…that doesn't sound good. If I had just asked for the biopsy back then I wouldn't be worried now. But…my P.A. said the breast imaging center is overly cautious about things and since they weren't worried, he's wasn't either. I went along with that and now it's grown. It's a tumor, no matter what, so I'll most likely have to have a lumpectomy or more. But in the meantime...I'm painting and large! 
I love painting on this size canvas. So much freedom! 


Taking a break...

When I painted this a few years ago, I knew how many women face this battle, but never knew how close to home it would be. I auctioned it off and donated the money to Susan G. Komen for a Cure (the charity chosen by my wonderful collector) and at it felt good knowing I helped the cause a little. Then maybe a year later I received an email from the Komen organization letting people know that you could submit your art to be in the calendar. I had the perfect piece! I submitted and the voting began. I was happy to hear that mine was one of the twelve that was chosen to be in the 2016 Susan Komen For A Cure calendar but had know idea that it would hit this close to home.

When submitted you were asked to tell your story. Nowadays, nearly everyone has been affected by breast cancer in some way, and I was no different. But I was not a survivor, I was a supporter, which today could not be more true. At the time, my story was that my grandma had past from cancer and that I had been told I had a lump that needs to be biopsied. Fast forward to today, after I received the calendars and brought a few up for my mom to see and to hand out, we had no idea the she would be added to my breast cancer "story".  We hadn't even been to the Dr. to have a biopsy of the growth on her skin on her breast bone area, yet. So we knew nothing, nothing at all. But she looked at the calendar strangely, saying how coincidental and amazing that my painting was in it.

I told her to stop it and that she'd be ok. It was probably nothing. But I was worried too. They biopsied the area and the Dr. said it was most likely skin cancer. To our surprise it came back as breast cancer and so the journey begins. She's scheduled for a mastectomy by the end of the month. Tomorrow is the PET scan then a bone scan. There was a dark area on her sternum. I'm going to be strong for her. She's not only my mom, she really is my best friend. I moved to this tiny town 15 years ago to be close to her and live 5 minutes away. We talk several times a day, she's my person.

I'm taking a break from Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days challenge because I'm taking her to town several times a week which takes the full day. We live and hour from civilization and now, with roadwork, and an unbelievably ridiculous 45 minute wait, it's more like 2 hours and that's just one way! I'm thinking she'll have to move down there and I might have to go with. So you can understand how painting one painting everyday is not really possible. I do however need to keep painting for me. My art has always been therapy for me and my anxiety, panic attacks, and mild depression, but today it's therapy to keep my mind off what's happening and to recharge myself to be the supporter I'm meant to be. I know now that as hard as I've tried to move away from this tiny town, something keeps me here. I actually moved away in 2010 but here I am again. This is the reason. This is my purpose.

Sorry to be so serious on my art blog. Art is a very personal thing though and it's hard to disconnect what's going on in my life and my art. My art has always been a reflection of my emotions brought on by my life's journey and now more than ever it will be here for me. There I go again, getting all serious! Hopefully my next post will have a new painting to share. I actually am inspired strangely enough.


Some more lemons...

I need to retake the photo

I'm finishing my paintings at night and then taking the photo, so it's dark and they're blurry. This one is actually grainy. I'm happy with how these lemons turned out though. I've always found painting lemons to be difficult because of the color but I think I finally figured it out. This photo unfortunately doesn't show the color very good either. Just another part of the challenge, taking good photos of the artwork! 
I'll retake with my good camera a little later. 

Today, is a big day, and not in a good way. I'm going with my mom to the breast cancer Dr. to see what kind it is and maybe find out what the treatment might be. We found out she had breast cancer couple weeks ago and it's just now starting to sink in. This is going to be a hard day for sure. Please send good thoughts! 

click to see available work


worked more on these...

I woke up this morning and looked at these two paintings on my easel and couldn't resist the urge to pick up my palette knife and to give them some more pizazz! I'm much happier with them now, I hope you like them too! The color is off on these. The background isn't so blue. 



Painting away...

8x8 inch oil $125

I changed it up a little by adding pink flowers instead of the purple garlic flowers (I think that's what they were), anyway, I thought they would blend in too much. But looking at it now they might have worked too. Wouldn't you just love a little house like this? I sure would. What color would you paint it? 


working on a commission today...

Here's what's on my large easel right now and I've been working on it along with the challenge pieces. Today, it will represent my painting for day 4. I spent the morning dropping off a few paintings at a new restaurant that's having it's grand opening this weekend. I hope they get the artwork up in time! This 24x24 oil is a larger version of one I did a couple week ago. My client wanted the same painting just a lot larger. I think it looks great large (besides my bad phone photo). Tomorrow, I'm trying to decide whether to paint a sunset or a great little house from over on the coast. There's this adorable Victorian town called Ferndale. It's my perfect place, if that's possible. There's all these cute little houses and some grand ones too, farms with cows and chickens, green rolling hills, and the best part is the beach is just down the road. I would totally live there if I could. Anyway, I got some great shots of some houses (well, my mom took them for me when she was over there at the horse races), and I want to paint a few of them for this challenge. 


painting for the day...

This oil painting was painted plein air. It's amazing how many colors I'm seeing now that I'm painting outside. It's perfect weather, except a little off and on wind. At least I can hear it coming and brace for it! I may have to take this photo again when it's dry because some of the variances aren't showing. 
I painted this one with both a brush and palette knife. I think I prefer both. The gerber a daisies were from my bouquet from earlier and I think I might be able to get just one more painting out of it, and then they're done. Thanks for viewing! 



Pink Roses Day 2

Pink Roses Palette Knife Painting
Rosy Posy
This little pink rose painting was inspired by the beautiful bouquet I picked up at Trader Joe's the other day. They didn't last very long though…I always recut them and use the powder but they always die on me. Anyway, they stayed alive long enough to paint these. I used a palette knife for the whole painting this time with lots of thick paint and texture! The sides are 1 1/2 inch and painted. Tomorrow, I plan on painting the pink gerbera daisies that came in the bunch. They'll be a challenge for sure! 


I'm doing the challenge again!

6x6 inch oil on canvas $59 

It's September at that means time for Leslie Saeta's 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge! It's so much fun to join along with so many wonderful painters! I love seeing what everyone comes up with.
I posted a question on Facebook about what I should paint. It was more me thinking out loud, but I got some good feedback. Seems most of you like seeing my fancy ladies and flowers. I have the hardest time painting one theme, as you can see. So…I figured as long as I get some kind of consistency in the paint application, size of canvas, and try to stick to a limited palette, that might do the trick. That way I can paint anything and it will still stand out as a "Beaudet". lol That's the idea anyway…we'll see if that holds true.


Sunflower Dream new oil painting

Sunflower Dream new oil painting 

Don't you think this is such a happy painting? It's the sunflowers, I'm sure but it's hard to resist a red barn. This painting was inspired by my drive to the next town over, last Spring. I got so much inspiration and only 15 minutes away! I live in a beautiful area of California, it's all beautiful. I'm lucky to have been born and raised in California. Even though I'm so far from home now, it's still gorgeous! I will really miss it if we move. I added the sunflowers here, I also changed the barn and added the path leading up to it.                                                          
                                                                   Here's my photo-

you can see I really just use photos for inspiration and don't like to copy exactly what I see. It's not really art if you just copy it, it's a painting of a photo. My goal it for my painting to be an "expression" or "impression" of how I feel about a certain subject. I use certain colors and loose brush strokes to achieve that. 

Oh, studio news! I sold my first angel painting…haven't done any new ones…yet, but I definitely will. I have to be inspired though. 



On hold (soon to be sold)

sold (look for a larger one soon)

on hold (soon to be sold)

I'm very grateful for all of my collectors! I appreciate you all! 


Pink Roses in the Afternoon

Plein air painting some roses in my backyard! I purchased this pochade box a few months ago but this is the first time taking it out for a test spin. It works! I just need a few more hands to hold everything. Now I understand why they come with attachments for brush holders and a place to put the palette. It will take some getting used to. The hard part is not getting the paint all over the place! This painting was a challenge only because it was almost 100 degrees outside and it was after 4 pm. I can't wait for the cooler weather so I can venture out further from home! 


A Little Drive Through Winecountry

this one has been spoken for already

Confession…I don't really drink wine. I know I'm alone in that but it just gives me a headache and some of it makes my celiac problems surface. However, I love everything else about it…the beautiful grapevines, gorgeous wineries, even the taste and smell. This painting was inspired by a photo a friend posted on Facebook. She actually took a bunch for me as she drove through the Napa valley. I combined it with a photo of a Tuscan winery that my step mom took awhile ago. I've used it in another painting I did when I was first starting to paint with oils. I'm going to be doing a series of wine country paintings so stay tuned and join me on our make-believe winery tour!


Oil Painting of Woman in Red by J Beaudet Z

Scarlet by Jennifer Beaudet Zondervan©

Hello! I just finished this one after a little break from painting. I've still been working on painting, just not actual painting. I found a great source for online learning called ArtforFree. Even though it's free it has very high quality videos and amazing instructors, like Kevin Macpherson. I've read several of his workshop books but there's nothing like seeing him paint! Thanks for offering this! I'm also really fixing up my studio, and this time I'm mean really. I always have plans that get in the way but I'm really going to do it this time.

This painting is an 11x14 inch oil on canvas…named…Scarlet, by one of my Facebook fans! Thanks John! I hope you all like it as much as I enjoyed painting it!


Some Summer Blooms...


This is my latest painting of hollyhocks. It's my first time painting them but won't be the last! They're so much fun to paint! It was done with oils on linen panel and I only use a palette knife for the stamen in the middle, everything else was painted with a new bright brush. I wish brutes stayed new forever.

I'm a little messy with my brushes and although I do try, I just can't seem to keep them sharp for long. I've been holding off buying some really good ones for this reason, but read somewhere that good brushes are the most important thing about painting. I wonder if that's true.

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...