
Lady in Blue Painting


This was inspired by peacock feathers. Someone just recently asked me to paint a peacock for a commission and the colors have been on my mind ever since.


Simple Lines Tonal Figure Painting

now available here
Tonal Figure #1
24x36 inch

If you follow me on Facebook then you'll know how this one came about. I just signed it…
I have a few different series of these in mind but have to see how you all like it first! 



Enchanted Forest


Inspired by fall's light and a fresh look on life, this is what came out. I asked my Facebook friends on my fan page and I'd love to hear your thoughts too!... What is your interpretation of this image? How does it make you feel? 


visit page


Art Auction for a Cure!

Bid here!

Just finished this one for Breast Cancer Awareness month! Your winning bid will go to your choice of Cancer Charity. Happy bidding! While I'm here I want to tell you about my mom and her surgery. It went as great as it possibly could! They took out her uterus and ovaries but found "very little" cancer so there was no need to take the lymph nodes! She bounced right back form surgery and is having a hard time resting. She's already to get out and about! Thank you all for your positive thoughts and prayers! 



Here's all of them!

This is a collage of all 30 of the challenge. I think I may have painted one extra but there's 30 here so I'll check later. This has been an awesome experience for me. Thanks so much for all of your support! 

I finished the Challenge!

Thank you Leslie Saeta for hosting this challenge! I don't have all the paintings prepared to post in this collage, yet, so I'll have to do that later. This has been a great learning experience for me and has also helped get me into a habit of painting everyday! Thank you all who found something special to add to your home! Out of this bunch, eleven have sold and I think one from the bunch I haven't posted yet. I did want to keep them all similar but ended up doing some quick watercolor "sketches" for lack of time. I'm still working on several commissions along with all of these. 

I hope that this challenge can help me focus in one direction. I'm jotting down a plan of action right now. If anything it's renewed my momentum to keep pushing forward! 
I think most artists struggle with this at times, (at least I think they do). It's not an easy business to pursue, that's for sure. Putting your art art out there is like putting a piece of your soul out for the world to see! 

Thanks so much for following me on my journey! 


NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...