
Monet's Muse...

of all the impressionist artists I think he's my favorite. It's hard to choose but every single painting
he has created takes me to another place. I would love to visit his home someday and paint a long side him, in spirit. I know he's still there…how could he leave? 

Everywhere you look…a painting lives, just waiting for the artist to let it out.
Monet saw the beauty through his own magnificent eyes.

Oh….the bridge that has inspired so many after him. To this day artists paint their interpretation of the bridge at Givenchy

Someday, I will go and paint it.
Can NOT wait! 

Too hard to choose a favorite...

His work has been an influence on mine over the years. When I was going to art school I worked with 
a pastel landscape artist and looking at these now I'm reminded very much of his work. He doesn't have his images available online so unfortunately I can't show you how beautiful they were.


Davis Arboretum

This painting was inspired by the Arboretum in Davis, California. When I saw the bridge my mind immediately was transported back in time to Monet's bridge. The real place is nice but there aren't any flowers.

I'm going to have some great inspiration coming my way very soon! Keep your eyes out for new Parisian paintings! Finally! 

Happy Friday! 



Susan said...

I like his work very much, too, Jennifer. I've enjoyed reading about another blogger's trip to his home.

Are you familiar with Laura from Decor to Adore? If not, you should Google her blog. You'd enjoy her photos and posts! Susan

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thanks Susan! I'll check it out!::

DixSterling said...

I share your passion for Monet. Bet you will have a wonderful time working from the photos.

DixSterling said...

Love Monet's work. You will love painting from those photos.

Palomasea said...

So nice to "meet" you here, Jennifer! Arrived via dear Anita's party...your work is gorgeous! Is it your portrait painting she has in her studio?
I am an aspiring painter, and Monet has always been a huge influence for me as well...your daughter's photos are very beautiful!
Thank you so much for sharing this...I am following your blog... :)
Have a lovely weekend,
- Irina

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thanks for stopping by Dix! I really can't wait! She says she's not very good but I'll make due!:)

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

I'm sure they will be wonderful!

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thanks so much for stopping by Irina! These aren't my daughter's photos though, I'm waiting for them (eagerly) !:)

Palomasea said...

Ah! There will be many, I'm sure!
I just want to put his whole estate in my pocket and take it home with me.. ;)

Portraits by NC said...

Yes, I can totally see Monet's influence in your work. Love the image of the bridge at Givenchy - it's so pretty !

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thanks Enzie! Me too! I could see that in my living room…I can't wait to try and paint it! :)

La Petite Gallery said...

Monet was fantastic. Your photo's are something he would paint.
That Anita is just fabulous too.

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