
Savoring Summer...

My mom's deck-my retreat

Why is it that Winter is so long and Summer just flies by? I guess that's one of the reasons why I dream about living in Hawaii. It's always summer there. It's a dream that I'm not sure will ever happen and I'm wondering if I might have to do it alone. We're in the early stages of searching for a new place to call home. Maybe in two years (hopefully sooner), but I'm a planner and love to research different places, finding the pros and cons. Weather is number one with me, so that definitely narrows our choices down a lot. Cost of living is a big one too. Lately, I've been thinking about Oregon as an option. It's got the art scene, paintable beauty (for inspiration), lots of GF and organic places, and a moderate real estate market. It does get a lot of rain, but is pretty mild and that keeps everything lush. I think my autoimmune problems have made it hard to tolerate extreme weather, so I'm looking for a place that's not too hot and not too cold, but juuuuust right. The hunt is on! 

I've been busy working on some commissions (very large ones), but took a very quick 2 day trip a few weeks ago to see my beautiful daughter graduate from college! It was the best day ever! I am so proud of my little girl! She's overcome a lot of obstacles and worked so hard to earn her B.S. degree in Psychology. She wants to help people. I'm just so proud! 

Hopefully I'll be able to spend some more time with her this summer before she starts her new life as a pre graduate student, yes she's going on! She's going to be so busy! In the meantime, I'll just be painting, while taking little breaks to savor my favorite time of year. My birthday month is coming up! Enjoy your summer!:)



Terra said...

Congrats to your daughter, and I like both of those deck / retreats photos.

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thanks Terra! Yeah, it's a great spot to hang out and stays pretty cool because of the trees.:)

Susan said...

Oh Jennifer! What wonderful news about your daughter. That is a huge accomplishment. Congratulations to both of you!Wowsers. And now on to the Master's Degree. Good for her.

The deck looks comfy and serene.

Hope your weekend is splendid. Susan

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thanks Susan! It's way more than I've accomplished already and she's only 21! Super proud and happy!
Have a great weekend too!

DixSterling said...

Congratulations to your daughter. LOVE your mother's deck spaces.

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thanks Dix! It's such a big deal to me (and to her of course!).:) My mom has a great talent that's she's kept to herself! haha! I don't manage to get any of that!:)

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