
Final Woman in Red Dress Painting SOLD!

I finished this piece on day 4, Valentine's Day, appropriately! I listed it on Facebook and had it sold in
3 hours! It's always so exciting when that happens and I'm left wondering if I can do it again. Being consistent is not always easy. I recently had a discussion with a fellow artist about this subject. It is one of the most important aspect of success in this business, but being an artist, wanting to "express" my feelings, consistency can be challenging. This is when hard work and determination plays an important role. So…with all that being said, we'll see what I come up with next. 
Will I be able to do it again? Stay tuned to see! Are you being consistent? Any tips?



Day 3 of Woman in Red Painting

I've worked more on this one and am really enjoying the process. I think I mentioned earlier how much I love painting fabric. I remember back in my early college drawing class. 
One of the assignments was to draw a crumpled sheet. 
It seemed like an odd subject but I learned so much from it
 and was amazed when it actually became a piece of artwork. 
There's so much intricacy to the folds. Sometimes a bit challenging but in a good way! 

I'm planning on finishing this one today so hopefully will get it posted and listed on Etsy by tonight! 

Oh! Happy Valentine's Day! 



Progress on New Sitting Lady Painting

Here's what's on my easel today. It's an 18x24; larger than what I've been doing lately. It feels good to work on a larger canvas! So freeing (is that a word?) 

I'm going to leave the background alone…well I'm going to try to at least. It's hard to resist overpainting, 
but I want this to have a raw feeling.  She still needs work on her arms as right now she looks armless. They are resting on the sofa, so you basically all you see are her shoulders. I think her hands will be on her head, but will be very vague. More work needed on her dress. This is my favorite part. I love painting folds in fabric, especially beautiful dresses like this one. 


NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...