

oil on canvas

I just complete this large hydrangea painting for a client. I've never painted them before but it was fun! I love hydrangeas. They remind me of vintage gardens. My mom has one in her garden, growing in a pot. It actually looks similar to this one, but more pinks. I love all the varieties there are. 

I'm off to town for some shopping, then I'm going work on a few new paintings of trees...Jacarandas and more! 
Have a great weekend! 


Terra said...

Beautiful painting, hydrangeas are a favorite for bouquets.

Vicki said...

Jennifer, hi, this is Vicki down south in Calif. How are you? Catching up with your blog. Saw a flag somewhere about your painting of Tony's on the Redondo pier and I just love that; have a photo of my grandpa leaning up against a post on that pier back in the 1950s. Not a appropriate place for details but I did have the Big C, got the surgery, am recovering, they feel the operation was the cure...so, onward; lucky. Can't wait to see more paintings of jacarandas, J. My FAVE tree and they are blooming in proliferation in SoCal as you can imagine! So incredibly, purply-beautiful. Wanted to say that you did a gorgeous job on the hydrangeas. I love the sheen of the container/pot. Great work as usual!

Lisa Graham said...

Gorgeous work Jennifer...the blue really pops yet there is a gentleness to it.

Enzie Shahmiri Portraits and Fine Art said...

Jennifer your new painting looks lovely. I have never painted Hydrangeas either and I commend you for doing such a lovely job. Your client will be thrilled!

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you Terra! I bet you can grow beautiful hydrangeas! I tried once but something went wrong! ...as usual.haha:) Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great weekend!

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Dear Vicki! It's so good to hear from you and with such great news! I am so happy to hear this! I'm glad the surgery went well too. That can be hard in itself.
Thank you so much for your sweet comments and I'll think of you when I paint the jacarandas!:)

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you Lisa! I did a lot of planning with the colors on this one. I'm glad they pop! Thanks so much for your kind comments!:)

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you Enzie! You should paint some too! They were a little difficult at first but I think I figured it out. My client is very happy but I can't wait for her to see it in person. You know how a photo just doesn't compare to seeing in person!:)

La Petite Gallery said...

love it. I painted the white ones on an umbrella holder, lots of work.
I just left a gallery today and have a new Artist I love.
You are a talent too.

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Hi Yvonne! Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments about my latest painting! I would love to see your art sometime. Do you post it anywhere? It's nice that you found a new artist to love. There are so many great artists out there which makes it all the more difficult to make it as one. That's ok, it just keeps me striving for more! Maybe someday I'll be the one in the gallery:)

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