
Spring Musings...


on my easel 

close up

The sun came out again today was welcomed with open arms and smiling faces. This painting is another in my Bloom series. I however, did not use a palette knife for this one, just my brushes and lovely poppy red! I'm inspired by the pantone colors for 2013. I'm loving all the colors this year! 
I can't wait for the Spring fashions to be released! 

Looking forward to some nice weather here. I'm not sure about my trip to Mexico now. I haven't been feeling very good lately and don't want to buy a ticket and not be able to go. I'll keep you up dated if things change. Check back here for more Spring musings!

click here for the full view


Field of Poppies...

I like the close up

on Etsy here


oil on canvas panel

So these are my new abstracts. I've been wanting to venture in to the abstract world for a while now and have finally done just that. I'm hooked! I imagine the more I do, I will develop more of a signature style, but I'm just having fun completely freeing myself to discover new things. It's not as easy as thought it would be though. I had to completely paint over a few. I find it more challenging than
painting any real subject. It is so therapeutic though and I can't really put it into words. I reminded of my days in art class. So much inspiration and energy there!
If you have tried abstract painting yet, you definitely should! You just might like it!

I was planning on putting a piece in the local art cruise for this weekend but the paint is taking longer to try because of the weather. The theme was Absolutely Abstract. 
So I won't have any new pieces this month but you can still see two of my 
paintings in the Highland Art Center if you're in town!

I'm also having a very difficult time capturing the fresh colors of my paintings on "film". It's like this every winter and I have yet to splurge on some good lighting. I use the sun because it's free, but not always reliable! I just had one of my collector's inform me of how much better my paintings look in person. She went on about how absolutely beautiful it was when she received it. I really wish you could see them in person, but until then I need to work on getting a better representation of them online.

I have another piece I just completed of some more poppies! I'm thinking of Spring and they're so sunny! It's a smaller 8x8 impressionist style. I'll be taking some good photos
 of it tomorrow and posting soon!

If you're interested in purchasing any of these that aren't on Etsy 
you can contact me on my email or Facebook


Roses are Red...


Here's my latest of the Bloom series, done with a pallet knife. I have a few more to post but am not quite ready for whatever reason. I promise to get to them though. My next one I'm working on is a little different. Kind of abstract with mixed media. 
I just found out that I'm going to Mexico soon. I'm going to be painting a commissioned piece while I'm there so it should be fun. I'll have to post photos when I get back.


Looking for Spring Blooms...


I can't wait for Spring so painted these to help. I used a palette knife for this one and realized I really like the texture and depth and that loose feeling I'm after. I'm working on a floral series all done with a knife. They are different sizes but all of beautiful flowers. Did I ever tell you I was a floral designer for a while? I love flowers! I only wish I could grow them! I'll never give up trying. 

If you've been following me through the years you know my daughter is away at college and that it was a very difficult time for me getting used to her not being around. I go through a mini empty nest every time she comes home for break then leaves again. Now she has a boyfriend and is even further away from me and so so busy. I know she's grown now but I still think of her as my little girl. 

This series I'm working on is a reflection of what I'm going through and I will call it Bloom, referring to my daughter blooming into the beautiful girl she has become and of her mother 
blooming into her new life. I'm still struggling with the later, trying to define what exactly that is, but I'm moving in the right direction. 


Waimea Abstract

Still continuing with a painting a day, I've completed a few more today and revisited my favorite place with this one. I think I might like this version more than my first. I will be retaking the photo and post it on Etsy or DPW tomorrow. Hopefully there will be a little more light. I'm trying to loosen things up and I find using acrylics can really help with that. I feel less committed to a painting and more free to try new things, because of the cost and the fact they dry so fast! I had forgotten how convenient acrylics are. As soon as I'm ready to take it off the easel to start another, it's dry! No messy wet paint all over. 

I'm starting to work on some abstracts and feeling a little out of my comfort zone. I sent photos of them to my daughter and am awaiting her opinion before I show everyone. I like them...but who knows what they really look like. It's a lot more difficult to go abstract then it looks. It's all about color harmony and design. But it can go bad fast! I had to completely paint over one that I did. I've been working fairly small to start but eventually (when I get some really big canvas) I plan on going large!

I really appreciate your comments! 


Branches and Lemons...and Peonies and a starfish


I'm doing the 30 in 30 painting challenge from Leslie Saeta. I've been following her blog for years now and love her pallet knife paintings and her amazing show, Artists Helping Artists. I always get so much inspiration listening to her radio show and the information is endless! Only problem is I can't keep up with it! Just as I'm having a hard time keeping up with posting a painting a day. I've done about two a day but posting them each day is the hard thing for me. It's great to have goals though, and the new year brings fresh ideas and inspirations! This painting is acrylic which is not my normal choice of medium. I enjoyed the quick drying time for a change and liked the results. I have a few more to post of a few barns and another landscape so look for those in the next few days.


A little bit of Italy...

I love New Year's. It's a time for fresh starts and new plans. I can reflect on the past year and all it's joys and maybe think about what might make it a better year to come. I have lots of plans and am going full steam ahead! I welcome in this new year with open arms! Hello 2013! 
You're ring to be the best year yet! Happy New Year to all my blog readers! Thank you for sticking with me through the years and welcome new readers! I hope you find something interesting enough to keep you coming back! :)

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...