
Misty Hanalei Bay

no longer available 
I just finished this one for another workshop from Richard Robinson. I'm really enjoying doing his workshops and am learning new techniques! I also started using walnut oil instead of linseed oil. Walnut oil is non toxic so I love that! The workshop focused on little figures in landscapes being made with simple brush strokes. 

If you've ever been to Kauai you know how misty it can get over on the North side of the island. It doesn't matter whether it's rainy or sunny, though...it's always magical. 

I've been selling a few paintings and prints these last few weeks. I hope to keep up this momentum 
in the coming new year! 
For the new year I plan on keeping up with the workshops and
getting in some more galleries and boutiques, but I also want to get back to doing more paintings like I was doing when I started. Think more floral still lives with a whimsy feel (and more watercolors Vicki). I noticed I've been getting away from florals and whimsy feel. I guess the workshop and comparing my work to other's is what's happening and while it's good to improve my skills I don't want to lose my expressive touch, which is where I started. I'm working on another Venice, Italy piece right now and am conscious of this thought. I think it's looking a little Monet like. 
But you'll have to tell me what you think! 




Ok..I'll add more later:)

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! 


A Day on the Trinity...

click here to view on Etsy

This should make the fisherman in your life happy! It's cold and snowy now but not too long ago it looked like this. It's amazing how the seasons fly by! I'm enjoying every moment with my family this special time of year. 
I hope everyone has a wonderful time with friends and family these coming days! 
I'm so fortunate to have so many followers of my art and this little blog. You truly bring a smile to my face with every comment! Thanks for hanging around all these years! And welcome to my new readers! 


Roses with Fruit

I just finished this one and I think, I have to say, this is my favorite of all my paintings so far. Probably for the fact that I love peach but I really like it. I don't always feel like that. This one isn't for sale.

So I'm sure everyone is super busy with shopping, parties, and decorating for Christmas! I'm excited for my daughter to come home from college. She'll be here for almost a month. It's going to be great and we always have fun! 


An early Christmas gift!

a gift to you

Hi to all my blogland friends! I would like to give you this Christmas card as a gift for your loyalty and support! You mean so much to me and have touched my life in so many ways. This is my way of saying thank you! So please feel free to download this image for your own use (no mass producing as the image still belongs to J Beaudet Studios) You can make cards to send to your friends or just enjoy it in your own home:) If you do accept it please help spread the word about my work! Please post this on your blog if you have one and mention following my blog. Sharing it is so appreciated just as long as you give a link back and mention me:) I would be forever grateful! 

Happy Holidays!


#twitterartexhibit in L.A.

I did this little painting for a charity exhibit in Los Angeles called #TwitterArtExhibit. This is their 3rd year and it just keeps growing. Each entry can only be 4x6 inches or smaller. This was a little difficult because that's usually the size use for my sketches. I also did it on paper instead of canvas because I don't have any loose canvas on hand right now. I chose a reference photo I took on my trip to Maui last Spring. Just another beautiful road in the upcountry area with beautiful jacaranda tree lined roads.
If you're interested in joining the cause you can find more information here.

Have a great weekend:)

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...