
New Vintage Lady Painting


It's been awhile since I've painted a vintage lady. This piece was done for last weeks challenge on DPW, "paint your undies".  This was fun to do. I'm going to have to retake the photo though because some of the details got a little washed out, such as the table. 

Thanks for your visit and your comments!


The Path to Fall...

I just finished this painting of some more beautiful fall colors. I used a palette knife for most of this. Lots of texture, which I like. My next one is going to be something different. 
The challenge is "paint your undies", so we'll see. 



This nice little barn was for a challenge on DPW to paint an emotion.
 I thought about doing a figure or face but
I've been enjoying the fall theme so much and had to just go with it. 
This barn is in a beautiful place about 15 minutes from my house. 
The emotion I feel is tranquil, if that can be considered an emotion, I think it is. 
I'm working on another fall tree painting right now and it's giving me some
struggles...if you don't see it posted in a few days, it didn't make it. Or should I say I didn't make it.


Dreaming of Hawaii...

Ahhh...that's how I feel when I think of Hawaii. I wonder if I would still feel that way
if I lived there. Would that feeling go away? 
I did this painting for an online workshop I'm doing. It's called The Complete Artist and is
taught by Richard Robinson. This was a challenge for me because of the sloping sand and shadows. The beach is called Turtle Beach on the island of Oahu. The official name is Laniakea. 
Beautiful place. 


New Fall Tree Painting and new catalog...


I thought I'd give do another birch tree painting for the DPW challenge since my last one has a bid! I'm loving the fall colors that are emerging. I think next week might be a good one for taking pictures around town and in the mountains. 
I like how this one turned out. It has such a fall feel to it and when I was painting it I was totally thinking...Halloween. It's one of my favorite holidays even though I haven't done anything for years. I used to love dressing up and then there were the costume parties. So much fun! After I had my daughter, I enjoyed taking her trick or treating and sneaking her snickers she got. (shhh don't tell her) haha! Now she's in her third year of college and going to her own costume parties. I always make sure she takes a pic on her phone of her costume so I can see it.  

Here's a new catalog from a blogger friend of mine. If you love French items, antiques, jewelry, etc. you should definitely check it out. I couldn't figure out how to put the mini of it on here but here's the link


Birch Trees Fall Foliage!


This was a painting I just completed for the weekly challenge on DPW. This is my first attempt at painting these trees and it was definitely a challenge with so many vertical lines! 
I used both a brush and palette knife for added interest. The painting isn't quite as dark on the bottom right in person, I think the easel gave it a shadow. I'm going to fix the tree in the middle so that 
the top isn't so pronounced. I just need to blur it a little 
because right now it's almost smack in the middle, which divides the painting in half.

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...