
Figure in Red Dress

Available here

I just finished this oil painting of a somewhat abstract figure in a red dress. Any suggestions for a name?
I think it's going to be called "The Moment". Thank you for the suggestion Terra! 
I'm so inspired to paint more like this and the other vintage dress painting I recently did.

I just got the Zumba fitness program and am starting it with my mom. I need to loose 20 pounds by October. We'll see if it works! I'm excited to start seeing and feeling the results! 

Welcome to all my new followers and visitors! I'm so happy to have you stop by:)
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Inspiration Friday Graphic_thumb[3]


It's me said...

What a beautiful painting !!...did you make it ??? thanks for visiting my blog !! love Ria...xxx..

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Hi Ria! Thanks for stopping by! Yes, I'm the artist:)

HeARTworks said...

So special! I love the sketchy quality to it! Patsy from
HeARTworks and

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you! I wanted to keep it kind of raw with lots of texture.

Dania @ Always Dania said...

you are so talented!!! i'm actually looking for a painting for my new home, do you do requests?


Vintage Home said...

oh my what a delightful subject!..love her position!

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you Dania! Yes, I do request of just about any subject. I'll contact you!

Thanks so much for your comments Colleen! I'm so delighted you stopped by:)

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you Dania! Yes, I do request of just about any subject. I'll contact you!

Thanks so much for your comments Colleen! I'm so delighted you stopped by:)

La Petite Gallery said...

very well done..love the colors and folds in dress, the whole
painting has such a soft feel,
good texture.

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you Yvonne! Your visit makes me smile! Have a wonderful day!

koralee said...

Such a lovely painting my friend...Your paintings are always so beautiful..love her red dress! xoxo

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you Koralee!

Diana Mieczan said...

Oh boy, that is one perfect name for an amazing painting...I'm totally in love with it and have fun with zumba, sweetie. My friend does it weekly and she really loves it. Muah

Vicki said...

Oh, Jennifer, she is just beautiful! There's some sort of delicate emotion emanating from her even though she's turned away from the observer. Something in the shoulders; very feminine, almost vulnerable or tender. You've captured something very special here. Wonderful piece.

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Oh, thank you Vicki! You get my art...that makes me so happy! I always look forward to your comments:)

Kellie Collis said...

She's lovely! Sure is going to be a really captivating art. Have a wonderful weekend, Kellie xx

Honey at 2805 said...

The painting is gorgeous. Love the red dress!

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