
Show and Tell Friday and...

Show and Tell

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Kellie Collis said...

These are lovely! Enjoy the beautiful weekend, Kellie xx

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you Kellie! xox

Completely Coastal said...

Beautiful!! No sun in CA?!

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Hi Maya! Thank you! I know, I was thinking the same thing! It's out today and is actually going to be warm! Yay!!!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Jennifer,
Your paintings make me wish that I was in them ..... over here it has been raining and we have had hailstones !! Mind you, we need the rain as our reservoires are very low !
Congratulations on being in all of the magazines....you really have been busy !!
Have a wonderful weekend. XXXX

La Petite Gallery said...

I feel I could walk out of my room into your painting. It looks so like a beach I was on a few years ago in the Islands. Beautiful.
Keep up the good work.. yvonne

La Petite Gallery said...

I feel I could walk out of my room into your painting. It looks so like a beach I was on a few years ago in the Islands. Beautiful.
Keep up the good work.. yvonne

koralee said...

Lucky you...a trip is coming your way! Our weather has been very wet too but today looks amazing. Enjoy your weekend. xoxox

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh Jennifer, your work is outstanding, it really is. Thank you so much for visiting me. I hope you are enjoying a great and creative Saturday!!! BE WELL, Anita

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you! I'm enjoying a very creative Saturday! A little sun, reading up on Maui, and working on a new watercolor and commission! Busy day but fun!

Lorrie said...

Looks like the creativity never stops around your place. I hope your week is going well.

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 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...