
Some changes...

available on Etsy here

available on Etsy here

Change is Good

After working on a few watercolors and the black and white portrait, I had a need to revisit these paintings
with a fresh approach. I'm not sure if you can tell what changes I made but I feel like they both needed more expression. I don't like for my paintings to get too tight and felt like a little loosening up would help. Sometimes it really helps to step away and to work on something completely different to get a different perspective to my work. I'm happy with the changes, I hope you are too:)

I'm joining in on Show and Tell Friday here!


Enchanted Forest

Enchanted Forest
Here's another new watercolor I just listed on Etsy. She was inspired by all the 
Fairytale shows and movies
coming out. Who doesn't love a good fairytale!



prints available

New Watercolors

With Spring comes new and fresh ideas. I've dug out my watercolors and am working on a new 
series of refreshing floral watercolors. 
I guess they could be considered illustrations. I also used
some acrylics, pen, and pencil in some of them, so...they could also be considered mixed media.
Two more will be posted soon. 
I'm not sure how long I will continue these...maybe just through Spring. 
It's been forever since I've done watercolors. Quite a change from the preparation and smells that oils possess. While I still love oils, these feels crisp and fresh, kind of like the weather outside today.
More vintage ladies, interiors, and landscapes to come. I'm thinking of maybe doing 
another Venice, or maybe a Parisian landscape!

Join me over here for Friday Show and Tell

NEW Website!

Thinking of Changing Back to This Site

 I've had my website for quite a few years now but I just can't see the reason to keep it. JbeaudetStudios.com is the domain name. I...