
Lilacs and Spring!


Blondie's Journal said...

I had to smile...I do walk my dog sometimes, mostly he walks me and that's not so fun!

Pretty pictures and the painting is gorgeous!


Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Hi Janie! Ha Ha! My dog does the same thing; not fun at all! She really just likes to run off the leach in the woods!:)

Fleur de Boheme said...

Your lilac bouquet is beautiful! And thank you for your feedback on the earring pictures, it is much appreciated.

Take care, Kirsten

Kellie Collis said...

Gorgeous lilacs! Love the color too! Have a wonderful day, Kellie xx

koralee said...

So beautiful..lilacs are my favourite....just planted a lovely new bush last Summer. xoxoxo HUGS

Melody said...

Such lovely pictures! Flowers are always wonderful to look at :)


Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you all for your sweet comments!

Vintage Home said...

..oh so sweet...you have captured their very essence!

Melissa Blake said...

Ah, those are so beautiful. I'm so excited for spring this year!

Victoria said...

Oh how lovely! I love your artwork.

gilead in bloom

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you all for your visits and sweet comments!:)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dearest one, your work always makes me SMILE SO!!!!!! I remember last summer, being in my beautiful garden laden with lavender. I sat in the gentle June sun and watercolored. The bleeding of the aqua color, running on my paper gave me such a rush of JOY; I am looking forward to more of that this summer, and when I see your work here, it is gearing me up to the task. LILACS are fabulous. I remember in college, I was walking home with a friend. We passed a lilac bush. She had said that she loved to eat the flowers....HMMMMMMM........she took a small petal and lightly chewed on it. I NEVER EVER EVER do such things, but she said how delicious it was. OK, so I took just a quick 1 second nibble. OMG! I just about FELL ASLEEP WALKING! NEVER EVER AGAIN!!!!

Enjoy the coming springtime in your heart....Anita

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

What a great story Anita! I almost spilled my coffee!! I've never tried lilacs...but I have nibbled on a few rose petals:)

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