
Roses Shells and Sun...

The perfect combo. I love all these things and wish this really was my view.  Unfortunately it's far from it. I have a beautiful view from my home but it's been snowing and raining for about a week. The sun finally came out so I could paint this one with the beautiful light from the sun. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Don't miss Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home


Susan said...

I love it! Colorful, soothing, beautiful. Great job! Susan

Diane said...

Beautiful, beautiful!!!
P.S. I love my lady art print--I'm so glad I won her!! She'll be in my studio with my all of my art that I've been collecting. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thanks so much Susan and Diane!
Diane, I'm so glad you received your print and that you like it!:)

Completely Coastal said...

This is beautiful, Jennifer. So fresh and romantic!! Love that you changed the name of your blog too!

RobinfromCA said...

Oh, I love this one! All those things are so near and dear to my heart - the shell, the ocean, the roses and the colors! Wonderful!


Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Hi Maya! Thank you so much for stopping by! Yes, changed the name after som suggestions to do so:)

Hi Robin! It's good to hear from you!

Thank you both for your sweet comments! You put a big smile on my face!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Jennifer
Well don't we wish this was the view from our window... for you though.. you clever thing you can make your view whatever you wish it to be... love the roses and the striped jug.... and love your painted lady .. last post.. you are such a romantic!!

Have a lovely week and thanks for popping in on me whilst I was under the weather.. ciao xxx Julie

koralee said...

Oh this is lovely!!! I just love how you paint! The colours are specatular and I always feel like I want to just pop right into the painting...such a beautiful world you create. Hugs to you for a great new week..xoxo

Kellie Collis said...

How wonderful! Enjoy the fabulous day, Kellie xx

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thank you all! You really do brighten my day with your comments!:)

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