
Peonies in the Morning...

Peonies in the Morning
oil on canvas board


Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Jennifer
Another lovely painting.. and you are doing great at the one a day.. I'm still thinking about the lovely vintage girl painting a few days back...

Well can't believe it has been that long since Toy Story 1 came out.. wow time flies... I know I will wait for DVD for #3.... Have a great day.. xx Julie

Sahildeki Ev said...

Wonderful colors Jennifer...ou made another lovely painting...

koralee said...

Oh sweet sweet friend...got your lovely print in the mail yesterday...it has made me soooooooo happy. I so want to post her up on my blog soon. xoxoxoo hugs and thank you so so much...off to look for a frame today if i have time. xoxoxo

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Thanks for your sweet comments!

Hi Koralee! I'm so happy you like it!

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