
Springtime Bouquet

Here's a new one inspired by all the beautiful blooms around!
Springtime Bouquet
8 x 10
oil on canvas

It's raining today so the photo isn't the best.


Glama Ray said...

This is so beautiful!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear Jennifer,
A painting that just says 'summer'. So ptetty and a welcome sight for me as our summer is taking ages to arrive !!!! XXXX

Sahildeki Ev said...

A perfect painting for this time of the year. I love it..

Diane said...

I just love the airy feel of this painting--my favorite style of painting!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Dear Jennifer
just what I need. it's been bucketing down all day.. and yesterday and now the weather has finally turned cold.. boo hoo.. but your beautiful flowers brighten it all!!! have a lovely day!! xxx Julie

Courtney said...

This is just so delicate and pretty, I absolutely love it!!

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